Yadlapalli Srikanth

Yadlapalli Srikanth

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access supper class method with the instance hirarical base

Jan 8 2015 4:15 AM
Dear All,

I faced one interview question in polaris, They asked me to print the virtual method of the super class with the instance of B class. Is it possible by casting? if so please try and let me know.  

class hirarical
  public virtual void print()
  Console.WriteLine("print virtual method");
  public  void printnorm()
  Console.WriteLine("print virtual method");
  class a : hirarical
  public override void print()
  Console.WriteLine("print a method");
  class B : a
  public override void print()
  //need to access the virtual method of hierarical class with B instance can do casting with B instance
  Console.WriteLine("print B method");


//need to access the

Answers (3)