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access modifier

Dec 29 2011 10:17 AM
This is an example for Inheritance and it is using the get() and set() method. Employee class has two data field empNum & empSal. I wish to convert this program to automatic property. During the conversation empNum's access modifier private will become public. But empSal is access modifier is protected. I wish to know its change during conversation.

//Declaring empSal as protected and accessing it with CommissionEmployee

using System;
public class DemoEmployees
public static void Main()
Employee clerk = new Employee();
CommissionEmployee salesperson = new CommissionEmployee();



Console.WriteLine("\nCleark #{0} makes {1} per week", clerk.GetEmpNum(), clerk.GetEmpSal().ToString("C2"));

Console.WriteLine("\nSalesperson #{0} makes {1} per week", salesperson.GetEmpNum(), salesperson.GetEmpSal().ToString("C2"));

Console.WriteLine(" {0} percent commission on all sales", salesperson.GetRate());
internal class Employee
private int empNum;
protected double empSal;//empSal is protected, not private

public int GetEmpNum()
return empNum;
public void SetEmpNum(int num)
empNum = num;

public double GetEmpSal()
return empSal;
public void SetEmpSal(double sal)
empSal = sal;
class CommissionEmployee : Employee
private double commissionRate;

public double GetRate()
return commissionRate;
public void SetRate(double rate)
commissionRate = rate;
empSal = 0;//If empSal was private, this would be illegal

Cleark #5612 makes $425.00 per week

Salesperson #3198 makes $0.00 per week 0.07 percent commission on all sales

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