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ACCESS DENIED when opening a Microsoft Word document with my ASP.NET web application.

Mar 17 2005 3:42 AM
ACCESS DENIED when opening a Microsoft Word document with my ASP.NET web application. Hi, I would like to open a Microsoft Word document in my ASP.NET web application. After having a look to the article http://www.c-sharpcorner.com//Code/2002/Mar/WordFromDotNet.asp, using WIN FORMS I can create new documents, open existing ones, save documents, close them, and even insert text and apply format to the paragraphs. The problem is when I try to use WEB FORMS, which is what I need, and I obtain an ACCESS DENIED error when executing the sentence: myWordApp = new Word.ApplicationClass(); Anybody knows how to solve the “access denied” problem?? Thanks, goraperas

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