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About Design Control / Msg for Samer Abdel-Fadeel Sarhan

Sep 3 2004 6:42 PM
In your code you reference the unmanaged cards.dll from within your .NET control. This dll is in the windows\system32 folder (and thus in the Path). How can you get the .NET control to refer to a DLL that is not in the path, but rather in the same folder where the .NET control itself is located? I'm designing a .NET control that uses a custom unmanaged DLL, and I want both to be deployed to the same private folder. I found that when I add the .NET control to the Toolbox, it works until I exit VS.NET. The next time I open the app, the designer has "forgotten" where the unmanaged DLL was (seems doesn't bother to search again in the same path)... Any help will be greatly appreciated.