Aktham Mahmoud

Aktham Mahmoud

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About AngularJs with .net

Jun 12 2020 8:35 AM
Greeting all.
Actually I thought for long time beafore write this article, but anyway I need to provide my openion about many many hight waves in world technology specially in web development field.
I'll start from myself.
am asp.net developer (let me say am still small developer)use .net platform to build asp.net app. with MSQL and in some sometime use XML as D.B
Anyway every week I asks myself that question:
"where my boat now in large web development oacen which has got alot of modern technologies?"
=(asp.net) moved to (MVC) moved to (.net core[As I read in book lastly for new programmers in .net platfor they are able to start from .net core directly).
=JavaScript, Jquery, Json, Angular Js, etc.
=Html5, Bootstrap.
=others technologies.
Anyway, my small article will focus about AngularJs.
After few monthes when my friend his a mobile developer spoke to me is necessary to learn AngularJs for many reasons, I think most of yours knows it, not necessary to repeat it.
I wast three days before write this small article, actually I haven't feel in happy in learning AngularJS
For What I need to make HTML element daynmic if I can able to working with it so easily, as example visual Studio platorm which gives me more comfortable in working with elements and contorls easily.
About DataBase (CRUD) concept:
I viewed this point quickly in many recources. So is necessary to write more complex code for many pages if I need to apply (CRUD) in aspx page?.
why I need to apply AngularJs concept if I can do it by many methods? As example below:
-Dragdrop SQLdatasource and same controls which makes same job.
-some developer take programitically way in backend page to (CRUD) with table to make a principle mission as example (GridView with Staff table).
.net app with mobile development side:
Actually am not a expert person in mobile development maybe this wave be far a little for me but anyway, about connect .net app which we need to make Mob.app need to connect with our .net app (asp.net , MVC or .net core) I think make Web API is enough for that..
Maybe if I provide wrong concepts about what I said above, but I hope from yours correcting to me, to know if am in wrong side or is principle and necessary to learn AngularJS strongly.

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