SQL is a standard language for accessing and manipulating databases.
- SQL can execute queries against a database
- SQL can retrieve, insert, update, delete data from a database
- SQL can create new databases
- SQL can create new tables in a database
- SQL can create stored procedures in a database
- SQL can create views in a database
- SQL can set permissions on tables, procedures, and views
SQL Command
Basic SQL Query is as follows:
To Select Particular Column in table.
- SELECT "column_name" FROM "table_name"
Find Distinct Column in table.
- SELECT DISTINCT "column_name" FROM "table_name"
Select Column in table using where condition.
- SELECT "column_name" FROM "table_name" WHERE "condition"
Add And/Or condition and find record in table.
- SELECT "column_name" FROM "table_name"
- WHERE "simple condition" {[AND|OR] "simple condition"}
Create Table
Create table using below query.
- CREATE TABLE "table_name"
- ("column 1" "data type of column 1" [column 1 constraint(s)],
- "column 2" "data type of column 2" [column 2 constraint(s)] )
Insert Into
Insert Record in table using below value.
- INSERT INTO "table_name" ("column1", "column2", ...)
- VALUES ("value1", "value2", ...)
Select Date in SQL
- Select GETDATE()
- Select CURDATE()
- Select CURTIME()
Insert Into
Using insert into we can insert one table Column to another table as per the below syntax.
- INSERT INTO "table1" ("column1", "column2", ...)
- SELECT "column3", "column4” FROM "table2"
Update column in table using where condition.
- UPDATE "table_name"
- SET "column_1" = [new value], "column_2" = [new value]
- WHERE "condition"
Delete column in table using where condition.
- DELETE FROM "table_name" WHERE "condition"
Drop Table Statement
Truncate Table Statement
- TRUNCATE TABLE "table_name"
Alter Table Query
Sometimes we need to alter table definition (alter Column,add column,Add index,etc.). We can do this using the below syntax:
Add Column
- ALTER TABLE "table_name"
- ADD "column_name" "Data Type"
Modify or Alter Column
- ALTER TABLE "table_name"
- ALTER COLUMN "column_name" "New Data Type"
Rename Column
- ALTER TABLE "table_name"
- RENAME COLUMN "column 1" TO "column 2"
Drop Column
- ALTER TABLE "table_name"
- DROP COLUMN "column_name"
Index : We can create Index on Table to faster retrieval of Record.
There are two types of Indexes in SQL:
Unique Index
Non-Clustered Index
Create Index
- Create index index_name
- on table_name(column1,column2)
Create Unique Index
- Create unique index index_name
- on table_name (column1,column2)
Add Index
- ALTER TABLE "table_name"
- ADD INDEX "index_name" (column_name)
Drop Index
- ALTER TABLE "table_name"
- DROP INDEX "index_name"
Add Constraint
- ALTER TABLE "table_name"
- ALTER TABLE Customer
Drop Constraint
- ALTER TABLE "table_name"
- ALTER TABLE Customer
Copy Table Structure from one table to another(For all Columns),
- Select Top 0 * into newtable from Oldtable
- Select * into newtable from oldtable where 1=2
- Create table newtable as select * from oldtable where 0=1
Copy Table Structure from one table to another(For Some Columns),
- Select Top 0 col1, col2, col3 into newtable from oldtable
Copy Structure with Data:
- select * into newtable from oldtable
- select * into newtable from oldtable where 1=1
- Create table newtable as select * from oldtable
If you already have a table with same structure and you want to just copy data,
- Insert into newtable select * from oldtable
Copy table from another database,
- select * into newtablename from databasename.oldtablename
In Sql there are different functions to find max, min , count, etc.Syntax for that is as follows :
- Select max(column_name) from table_name where Condition
- Select min(column_name) from table_name where condition
- Select count(column_name) from table_name where condition
- Select Avg(column_name) from table_name where condition
- Select Sum(column_name) from table_name where condition
- SELECT "column_name" FROM "table_name"
- WHERE "column_name" LIKE '%a%'
a% : Start with A
%a : end with a
%aa% : Contain aa in word
a_%_% : start with a and 3 characters in length
a%o: Start with a and end with o
In (behave like multiple or clause)
- select "column_name" FROM "table_name"
- WHERE "column_name" IN ('value1', 'value2'.)
- select "column_name" FROM "table_name"
- WHERE "column_name" IN (select column_name from table_name) --combined two table result
- select "column_name" FROM "table_name" WHERE "column_name"
- BETWEEN 'value1' AND 'value2'
Order By
By default ascending order.
- select "column_name" FROM "table_name" [WHERE "condition"]
- ORDER BY "column_name" [ASC, DESC]
Group By
Group by clause is a must when we use aggregate function in select query for a column which is not used in aggregate function.
- select "column_name1", SUM("column_name2") FROM "table_name"
- GROUP BY "column_name1"
- select "column_name1", [Function("column_name2")] FROM "table_name"
- [GROUP BY "column_name1"]
- HAVING (arithematic function condition)
union eliminates command record in both table and number of columns. For both, union table must be the same.
- Select column_name1,column_nme2 from table_name1
- Select column_name1,column_nme2 from table_name2
Union all selects all records in a table including command record and number of columns. In both, table must be the same
- Select column_name1,column_nme2 from table_name1
- UNION all
- Select column_name1,column_nme2 from table_name2
Self Join
- select column_name from table t1, table t2
- Where condition
Exists Operator
Select the second sub query record which exists in the first select record.
- Select column_name from table_name where Exists
- (select Column_name from table_name1 where condition)
- Select column_name from table_name where NOT Exists
- (select Column_name from table_name1 where condition)