Platform Agnostic Container Images Using Cloud Native Buildpacks

What is a Cloud Native Buildpacks?

A buildpack is a tool that is used to transform your source code into an application image. Its primary job is to identify the dependencies required to build and run the project.

The auto-detection process in the buildpack detects the matching buildpack for the application source code. It runs a group of buildpacks sequentially against the application source code, and the first group that deems itself fit for the source code will be chosen as the selected set of buildpack for that source code. The detection process depends on the project type: for example, for Node projects, it looks for the package.json file.


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Cloud-native buildpacks

The Cloud Native Buildpacks project was initiated by Pivotal and Heroku in January 2018 and joined the Cloud Native Computing Foundation in October 2018. This project aims at building production-grade buildpacks for applications. Cloud Native Buildpacks follow modern container standards, such as the OCI image format. They take advantage of the latest capabilities of these standards, such as cross-repository blob mounting and image layer "rebasing" on Docker API v2 registries.

To run a build process using buildpacks in your system, you need to install Docker and Pack in your system. Pack is a tool maintained by the Cloud Native Buildpacks project to support the use of buildpacks.

It enables the following functionality:

  • Build an application using buildpacks.
  • Rebase application images created using buildpacks.
  • Creation of various components used within the ecosystem.

The pack works as a Command Line Interface (CLI) and a Go library.

To install the pack on Windows, use the Chocolatey package manager.

choco install pack --version=0.29.0

Buildpacks examines the source code of your application and detects all dependencies required to run on any cloud. It provides the framework and runtime support for running applications on various cloud environments.

How do the buildpacks work?

Every buildpack process contains two phases - a detect phase and a build phase.

Detect phase

The detect phase is used to detect the buildpack applicable to the project source code. It runs a group of buildpacks against the source code and detects the applicable one. After the applicable buildpack is detected, it executes the build phase. The build phase is ignored if no matching buildpack is detected. The detection phase uses different criteria to detect the matching buildpack. For example, if it is a Python project, it looks for requirements.txt or file. If it is a Node project, it looks for package.json or package-lock.json files.

Build phase

The build phase is executed against the source codes to set the runtime environment and dependencies for the application. It downloads all dependencies and compiles the code to detect build errors. Then it identifies the entrypoint and startup scripts for the project. If the project is detected as a Python project, it executes the pip install -r requirements.txt command to install all packages. If it is a Node project, it runs the npm install command to install all npm packages.

Build Phase

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Components of Cloud Native Buildpacks

The following are the components of cloud-native buildpacks:


A builder is required to build an image. A builder is an image that contains the necessary components to execute a build process. A builder image is created using a base image and adding lifecycles, buildpacks, and other files that are used to configure the build process, such as the order of buildpack detection and the location of the run image.

A builder consists of the following components:

  • Buildpacks
  • Lifecycle
  • Stack's build image

Create Builder

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A buildpack analyses the source code and identifies the correct set of buildpack to build and run the application. It contains a set of executables for analyzing the source code. Generally, every buildpack contains three files. They are:

  • buildpack.toml: This file contains the metadata information about the buildpack, such as id, name, version, etc.
  • bin/detect or bin/detect.bat: This file is an executable used to determine whether buildpack should be applied for the source code or not. It analyzes the source code and determines which buildpack can be applied.
  • bin/build or bin/build.bat: This executable is used to build the application. This contains the steps to build the application.

Meta-buildpacks are another types of buildpacks that only contains the buildpack.toml file. This contains references to other buildpacks and is suitable to define complex detection strategies.

Buildpack groups

A buildpack group is a list of buildpack entries defined in the order in which they will run. Because buildpacks are modular and reusable, a buildpack group allows us to connect multiple modular buildpacks together. Eg: A Java installer buildpack and a maven builder buildpack can be combined to create a Java build tool.

A buildpack entry is identified by an id and a version. It may also be marked as optional. There can be one or more buildpacks in a buildpack group. A builder or meta-buildpack may contain multiple buildpack groups.

Detection process with buildpack groups:

1) When the lifecycle executes the detection process, it will process each buildpack group it finds in the order that the groups are specified.

2) For each buildpack group, the lifecycle will execute the detect phase of all buildpacks in that group (these can be executed in parallel) and aggregate the results.

3) The lifecycle will select the first buildpack group by order where all of the non-optional buildpacks in that group pass detection.


The lifecycle of the buildpacks execution contains many stages. Each stage artifact is combined to generate the final app image. The following lifecycle stages are there in the buildpack orchestration:

  • Analyse: The analysis phase is used to determine which of the layers can be reused in the build and export phases. It will optimize the process of build and export. In older APIs (prior to 0.7), the analyzer was responsible to analyse the metadata from the cache or the previously build images to understand which images can be reused in the export phase. From version 0.7 onwards, the analyzer executes before the detecting phase to determine the registry access permission for all images. This helps to determine the errors before start building the image.

  • Detect: This is the first phase of the lifecycle. The detector determines which buildpack is appropriate for the source code from a set of buildpacks. The detector does not take any arguments and does not require any root privileges. It uses the order.toml as the input file and outputs group. tml and plan.toml. The order.toml contains the list of groups, and each group contains information about a set of buildpacks.

    • order.toml: The detector uses the order.toml to find out the first group that passes the detection process. It goes through each group to detect the matching set f buildpack. If all groups fail, then the detection process fails. In order to pass the detection process, the detect scripts of all required buildpacks must pass successfully (the exit code is zero), and the detector should be able to create a building plan (plan.toml) with all of the requirements of the group's buildpacks. The first group that passes both steps are written to group.toml, and its build plan is written to plan.toml.

    • group.toml: Created by the detector when a group of buildpacks pass the detection process and is able to create the plan.toml file. It stores the information about the group which passes the detection process.

    • plan.toml: The detector creates this file with all dependencies required to build the image.

  • Restore: This phase of the lifecycle is used to restore the reusable layers from the cache if available.

  • Build: The build phase transforms the source code into an app image.

  • Export: This stage creates the OCI image of the application. This creates the image into a container registry or to the docker daemon based on the tag value provided as an argument. This will generate a report.toml file that contains the image manifest information.

  • Create: Runs analyze, detect, restore, build, and export in a single command.

  • Launch: The entrypoint for the final OCI image. Responsible for launching application processes.

  • Rebase: Rebase application layers onto a new run image.


A platform uses a lifecycle, buildpacks (packaged in a builder), and application source code to produce an OCI image.

Examples of a platform might include,

  • A local CLI tool that uses buildpacks to create OCI images. One such tool is the Pack CLI
  • A plugin for a continuous integration service that uses buildpacks to create OCI images. One such plugin is the buildpacks plugin in Tekton
  • A cloud application platform that uses buildpacks to build source code before deployment. One such platform is kpack


A stack is composed of two images that are intended to work together:

  • The build image of a stack provides the base image from which the built environment is constructed. The built environment is the containerized environment in which the lifecycle (and, thereby, buildpacks) are executed.
  • The run image of a stack provides the base image from which application images are built.

pack stack suggests will display a list of recommended stacks that can be used when running pack builder create, along with each stack's associated build and run images.

How can I build images using buildpacks?

1) Buildpacks can be used to create images using a command line interface - Pack CLI.

2) A CI/CD plugin for buildpacks can be used to build images.

Build images using buildpack

3) A cloud application platform that uses buildpacks to build source code before deployment. eg: kpack

Build images and run images

Buildpacks are compatible with one or more stacks. A stack contains a build image and a run image. The build image acts as the environment for the build process when the buildpacks are executed, and the run image is used as the base image for the final container image. A builder image consists of a build image and one or more sets of build packs with its lifecycle.

Build images using buildpack

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Developers can update the app image without rebuilding the entire app image. This can be achieved by rebasing. With rebasing developer can replace the run image of the existing app image with a new run image without rebuilding it. By inspecting the app image, the rebase can identify whether a new run image is available for the app image. It checks the existence of the new image in the local repository or registry.

pack rebase image-name:tag

Pack rebase has a --publish flag that can be used to publish the updated app image directly to a registry.


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Build images for ExpressJS application using Pack CLI

1) Pack command can suggest the available list of builders when running the following command.

pack builder suggest

2) You can set a builder as the default builder for the pack build command. If you set a default builder, then you dont need to pass the --builder parameter when running the pack build command.

pack config default-builder  <builder-name>

3) We can use the express-sample-web from the Demos directory to build an image from the application source code. Open the command terminal in the express-sample-web directory and restore the node package using the following command.

npm install

4) Build the application and publish the output to the dist directory using the command given below:

npm run build

5) Before you build the image of the application using the pack build command, you can delete the node_modules directory to avoid copying it to the image.

6) Run the following command to build the image:

pack build bookstore-web:latest

7) After the image is built, run the following command to run the docker image.

docker run --rm --name app1 -d -p 8080:8080 bookstore-web:latest

Build Python flask application using Pack CLI

1) To build an image for the Python flask application, we can use the flask-sample-web from the Demos directory. Open the command terminal in the flask-sample-web directory. Create a virtual environment.

python -m venv venv

2) Activate the virtual environment.


3) Restore the packages using the following command.

pip install

4) We are using Gunicorn to run the application on the production server. The Procfile contains a startup script for the buildpack image.

web: gunicorn --bind= app:app

5) Run the following command to build the image:

pack build flask-web:latest

7) After the image is built, run the following command to run the docker image.

docker run --rm --name app1 -d -p 8080:8080 flask-web:latest

Build images for .NET Core application using Pack CLI

1) To build an image for the dotnet core application, we can use the DotnetSampleApp from the Demos folder. Open the Command Terminal in the DotnetSampleApp directory.

2) We need to use a custom builder to build a dotnet core application. Run the following command to build the image.

pack build sample-dotnet-web:latest --builder paketobuildpacks/builder:base

We can optionally specify the buildpack name as an argument.

pack build sample-dotnet-web:latest --buildpack paketo-buildpacks/dotnet-core --builder paketobuildpacks/builder:base

3) This will use a custom builder image and creates the .net core application image. Run the image using the docker run command.

docker run -it --name app1 --rm -p 8080:8080 sample-dotnet-web:latest
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