Important Math Functions In Python

Although Python provides lots of operators to perform various operations, to make programming easier it has very useful in-built functions.
These are present in math module. The progammer just has to do an import of this module,
 Function Name  Usage
 returns the sine of value passed as argument. The value passed in this function should be in radians
sin(0.88) : 0.77
sin(0) : 0.0
 radians(x)  Used to convert specified angle to radians.
Decreases value to the previous integer value
floor(4.3) : 4.
Used to raise x value toy
Example :
pow(5,2) : 25 
Used to get square root of the value passed as argument.
sqrt(25) : 5 
Returns the cos of value passed as argument.
cos(-3) : -0.9899924966
cos(0) : 1.0
Used to get natural algorithm of x specified base.
log(5.5,2) : 2.45943 
Used to get factorail of the value passed as argument.
 factorial(23): 2585201673
Used to get common divisor of x and y
math.gcd(60, 48) : 12 
 trunc(x)  Used to get integer value of the value passed as argument
 isinf(x) Checks if the value entered is positive infinity or negative infinity
Checks if the value entred is 'Not A Number' and returns true if the value is 'Not A Number'.
isnan(0.007) : False
isnan(float('NaN')) : True
Returns positive value of the value passed as argument.
fabs(-13.1) : 13.1
fabs(101.96) : 101
Returns the remainder division of x and y.
fmod(25,5) : 0.0
Returns the Sum of all values passed as argument
Eaxmple :
fsum(1,2,5,-2) : 6
Returns exponentiational value of the value passed as argument
Eaxmple :
exp(0.5) : 1.64872 
Returns the next postive integer
Example :
math.ceil(-45.17) : -45.0
math.ceil(100.12) : 101.0