7. Check the version by running the below command:
Git --version
8. Run Git help config in order to open the Manual page
Provides the Commands with Syntaxes
Another command: Git Config --help
9. Make the directory and switch over to the directory.
10. Git init
For initializing it and checking the path
11. Create a file with some content in the test path and check the status.
Git status
12. Add 2 documents and run the below commands for a better understanding.
I could only add a .txt file but couldn’t add a .docx file!
13. Git is successfully linked to the Git hub.
14. Create a New Repository by logging in.
15. Copy the link that's generated.
16. Run the below command for linking it to add my remote repository.
17. Run the below command
Git push origin master
18. You can see my created file from my local pushed onto my Git repository.
19. We can regularly create new repositories or update old ones with time to time project/process documents or any other knowledge assets that have multiple versioning(s) happening due to single to multiple team members working activities.
For a better understanding, just download my Zip Documentation, which has a detailed explanation along with snapshots.