To add combobox in ag-grid first of all we have to have knowledge of cell render. Through cell render we can edit our ag-grid column with drop down or textbox.
We can bind our dropdown in two ways: statically and dynamically
In this I will show statically how to bind dropdown.
Now In This Image I inserted DropDown.
Firstly let's see the code part of this.
- $scope.gridOptions = {
- columnDefs: [{
- headerName: "CompanyName",
- field: "CompanyName",
- editable: true,
- width: 130
- }, {
- headerName: 'ProductName',
- field: "ProductName",
- editable: true,
- width: 130
- }, {
- headerName: "ProjectID",
- field: "ProjectID",
- editable: true,
- width: 100
- }, {
- headerName: "Status",
- field: "Status",
- editable: true,
- width: 100
- }, {
- headerName: "Delete",
- field: "Delete",
- editable: true,
- editable: false,
- width: 100,
- cellRenderer: customEditorImageWQ
- }, {
- headerName: "Update",
- field: "Update",
- editable: true,
- editable: false,
- width: 100,
- cellRenderer: customEditor
- }, {
- headerName: "CompanyName",
- field: "CompanyName",
- width: 150,
- cellRenderer: CustomCombobox
- }, ],
- rowData: null,
- enableColResize: true,
- enableSorting: true,
- rowSelection: 'multiple',
- angularCompileRows: true,
- rowDeselection: true,
- onRowClicked: RowClick,
- enableFilter: true,
- editable: true,
- suppressRowClickSelection: true,
- };
- function CustomCombobox(params) {
- var rowIndex = params.rowIndex;
- var Column = params.eGridCell.attributes.colId;
- var WeldGridData = $scope.gridOptions.rowData;
- var eSelect = document.createElement("select");
- eSelect.setAttribute('class', 'custom-select form-control');
- eSelect.setAttribute('style', 'padding:0px');
- eSelect.setAttribute('name', params.colDef.field);
- eSelect.setAttribute('id', params.colDef.field + "_" + rowIndex);
- var value =;
- var eOption = document.createElement("option");
- eOption.text = "Select";
- eOption.value = "";
- eSelect.appendChild(eOption);
- if (params.colDef.field == "CompanyName") {
- CompanyName = $scope.CompanyList;
- var companyid =;
- var eOptionVal = document.createElement("option");
- eOptionVal.text = "Angra";
- eOptionVal.value = 1;
- eSelect.appendChild(eOptionVal);
- var eOption = document.createElement("option");
- eOption.text = "Navcreation";
- eOption.value = "2";
- eSelect.appendChild(eOption);
- }
- return eSelect;
- }
This Is coding part in js file through this I bind my dropdown
If you want to know how to add dropdown dynamically then visit my blog.
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