Create WCF Service without using Wizard


Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) is an SDK for developing and deploying services on Windows.

WCF provides a runtime environment for services, enabling you to expose CLR types as services, and to consume other services as CLR types.

Service: the functionality exposed to the world

Client: consuming the functionality from the service.

Main Components

  1. Endpoint
  2. Hosting environment
  3. Service class

The Endpoint in WCF Is ABC

  • A- Address (where)
  • B-Binding (How)
  • C-Contract

WCF supports following transport schemas

  • HTTP
  • TCP
  • Peer network
  • IPC (Inter-Process Communication over named pipes)
  • MSMQ

Contracts in WCF

  • Service Contract

       - Service Contract (at class level)
       - Operation Contract(at method level)

  • Data Contract

       - Data contract (at class level)
       - Data Member (at property level)

  • Fault Contract
  • Message Contract

Hosting of WCF

  1. IIS
  2. Self Hosting
  3. WAS (Windows Activation Service)



  • Console application
  • Add reference system.serviceModel.dll
  • Include the namespace System.ServiceModel;

Server Side

  • Create a service contract
    1. [ServiceContract (Namespace=http://.......)] (this is for an interface)  
  • Create an Interface
    1. Public interface Icalc  
    2. {  
    3.    …  
    4.    … 
    5. }  
  • Declare an method of each operation with OperationContract attribute
    1. [ServiceContract (Namespace=http://.......)]  
    2. Public interface Icalc  
    3. {  
    4.    [OperationContract]  
    5.    Int add(int n1,int n2);  
    6.    [OperationContract]  
    7.    Int Sub(int n1,int n2);  
    8. }  
  • Create an another class which implements the interface
    1. public class cal_op:ICalc  
    2. {  
    3.    public int add(int a,int b)  
    4.    {  
    5.       return(a+b);  
    6.    }  
    7.    public int sub(int a,int b)  
    8.    {  
    9.       return(a-b);  
    10.    }  
    11. }  

In main program

  • Config. The address
    1. Uri baseaddress=new uri(http://…..”);  
  • Create a service host
    1. ServiceHost selfhost=new ServiceHost(typeof(class_name),<object of uri >);  
    2. ServiceHost selfhost=new ServiceHost(typeof(cal_op),baseAddress);  
  • Add service end point
    1. Selfhost.AddServiceEndPoint(typeof(<interface name>),new WSHttpBinding(),”<service name>”);  
    2. Selfhost.AddServiceEndPoint(typeof(Icalc),new WSHttpBinding(),”calc_server”);  
  • Hosting with Metadata
    1. ServiceMetadataBehavior smb=new ServiceMetadataBehavior();  
    2. Smb.HttpGetEnabled=true;  
    3. Selfhost.Description.Behaviors.Add(smb);  
  • Then open the host
    1. <host_name>.open();  
    2. Selfhost.Open();  
    4. …  
    5. …  
    6. Selfhost.Close();  

In VS2008 CMD

  1. Svcutill.exe/language:cs/out:<filename.cs>/config http://……  
  2. Svcutill.exe/language:cs/out:client.cs>/config http://……  
Add that file to client solution.

Client side

Create an end point by using tat obj:

  1. <servicename> obj=new <servicename>();  
  2. Console.WriteLine(“{0}”,obj.Add(10,5));