Connection string to connect with sql in c#:1.
If you want to connect with Windows Authetication then use below string:
string connecting="data source=YOUR_SERVER_NAME;initial catalog=YOUR_DATABASE_NAME;integrated security=true";
SqlCOnnection con=new Sqlconnection(connecting);
//Integrated security used to connect using windows authetication.
2nd Method:
if you want to connect with user id and password use below string:
string connecting="data source=YOUR_SERVER_NAME;initial catalog=YOUR_DATABASE_NAME;user id=user_name;password=server_password";
SqlCOnnection con=new Sqlconnection(connecting);
user id parameter used to specify user name to connect with sql server.
If we want pooling to be true then we should also add a parameter in connection string that is :
Note:for more information contact
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