Authenticate SharePoint with ASP.NET/C#

To use SharePoint document or any other information ,data in you'll authenticate from SharePoint online server following these step.
Step 1 - Use NameSpace "using Microsoft.SharePoint.Client;" after adding reference in your application.
 PM> Install-Package Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.dll 
Step 2 - Write code to authenticate from SharePoint in
  1.                 string userName = Your username;  
  2.                 string password = Your password;  
  3.                 string baseurl = "Sharepoint base URL";  
  4.                 Uri uri = new Uri(baseurl);  
  5.                 var securePassword = new SecureString();  
  6.                 foreach (var c in password) { securePassword.AppendChar(c); }  
  7.                 var credentials = new SharePointOnlineCredentials(userName, securePassword);  
  8.                 var authCookie = credentials.GetAuthenticationCookie(uri);  
  9.                 var fedAuthString = authCookie.TrimStart("SPOIDCRL=".ToCharArray());  
  10.                 if (fedAuthString != null)  
  11.                 {  
  12.                     result.UserToken = fedAuthString;  
  13.                     result.Message = "User has been logged in successfully";  
  14.                 }  
  15.                 else  
  16.                 {  
  17.                     result.Message = "Invalid User!!";  
  19.                 }  
This code use to authenticate with SharePoint in web application, Web API, MVC application.
After login you can get any information from SharePoint server which is authorized for this user.