Techniques of State Management in .NET


State management is a crucial aspect of web application development, determining how data is preserved and accessed across different components or pages. In .NET 6, Microsoft has introduced several techniques to effectively manage state, catering to various scenarios and preferences of developers. This article explores these techniques, highlighting their advantages, use cases, and implementation strategies.

1. Server-side state management

Server-side state management involves storing and managing state data on the server rather than on the client side. This approach offers security advantages since sensitive data is not exposed to the client.


  • Session State: Uses a session object stored on the server to persist user-specific data throughout the user's session.
    // Example of setting session variable
    HttpContext.Session.SetString("UserName", "JohnDoe");
    // Example of retrieving session variable
    var userName = HttpContext.Session.GetString("UserName");
  • Database Storage: Persisting state data in a database allows for scalability and durability.
    // Example of storing data in database
    var dbContext = new AppDbContext();
    dbContext.Users.Add(new User { UserName = "JohnDoe" });

2. Client-side state management

Client-side state management involves storing data on the client's machine, typically within the browser. This approach reduces server load and can improve application performance by reducing round trips to the server.


  • Cookies: Small pieces of data stored on the client's machine, accessible by both server-side and client-side code.
    // Setting a cookie
    Response.Cookies.Append("UserName", "JohnDoe");
    // Retrieving a cookie
    var userName = Request.Cookies["UserName"];
  • LocalStorage and SessionStorage: HTML5 features that allow the storage of key-value pairs locally in the client's browser.
    // Storing data in localStorage
    localStorage.setItem("UserName", "JohnDoe");
    // Retrieving data from localStorage
    var userName = localStorage.getItem("UserName");

3. State Management with Blazor

Blazor, being a component-based framework, introduces its own set of state management techniques tailored for Single Page Applications (SPAs) and WebAssembly (Wasm) scenarios.


  • Component Parameters and State: Passing data between components using parameters and managing component state with properties.
    <!-- Example of component parameter -->
    <ChildComponent UserName="@userName" />
    <!-- Example of component state -->
    @code {
        private string userName;
        protected override void OnInitialized()
            userName = "JohnDoe";
  • StateContainer (e.g., Flux/Redux pattern): Implementing Flux-like or Redux-like patterns for managing application-wide state.
    // Example of using Flux/Redux pattern
    // AppState.cs
    public class AppState
        public string UserName { get; set; }

4. Hybrid Approaches

In complex applications, combining server-side and client-side state management techniques can provide flexibility and optimize performance. For instance, caching frequently accessed data on the client side while storing less volatile or secure data on the server.

Additional Considerations for State Management in .NET 6

1. SignalR for Real-Time applications

SignalR is a powerful library in .NET for building real-time web applications. It facilitates bi-directional communication between the client and server, making it ideal for scenarios where the state changes frequently and needs to be synchronized across multiple clients.


Real-Time State Updates: Use SignalR to push state updates to clients in real-time, ensuring all connected clients receive the latest data instantaneously.

// Example of sending real-time updates with SignalR
public async Task UpdateUserName(string userName)
    await hubContext.Clients.All.SendAsync("ReceiveUpdate", userName);

2. State Management in Microservices Architectures

In distributed systems and microservices architectures, managing state across multiple services and instances becomes crucial. Techniques such as distributed caching or using stateful services (like Azure Durable Functions) can help maintain consistency and availability of state data.


  • Distributed Caching: Use services like Redis Cache or distributed in-memory caches (e.g., Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Distributed) to store frequently accessed data across multiple instances.
    // Example of using distributed cache in .NET
    var cacheEntry = await distributedCache.GetAsync("UserName");
  • Azure Durable Functions: For serverless architectures, leverage Azure Durable Functions to manage stateful workflows and orchestrations across multiple function executions.
    // Example of using Azure Durable Functions
    public class HelloWorldOrchestrator
        public async Task<string> RunOrchestrator(
            [OrchestrationTrigger] IDurableOrchestrationContext context)
            var userName = await context.CallActivityAsync<string>("GetUserName", null);
            return $"Hello, {userName}!";

3. State Management in Blazor WebAssembly

For Blazor WebAssembly applications, where components execute directly in the browser, managing client-side state efficiently is crucial. Techniques such as browser storage (LocalStorage, SessionStorage) and managing state across components using services or Flux-like patterns are common.


  • Browser Storage: Utilize LocalStorage or SessionStorage for persisting state data on the client side.
    // Example of using LocalStorage in Blazor with Blazored.LocalStorage package
    await localStorage.SetItemAsync("UserName", "JohnDoe");
    // Example of retrieving data from LocalStorage
    var userName = await localStorage.GetItemAsync<string>("UserName");
    // Example of using SessionStorage in Blazor with Blazored.SessionStorage package
    await sessionStorage.SetItemAsync("SessionToken", "xyz123");
    // Example of retrieving data from SessionStorage
    var sessionToken = await sessionStorage.GetItemAsync<string>("SessionToken");
  • State Management Libraries: Consider using libraries like Fluxor or Blazor-State for managing complex application states and state changes in a structured manner.
    // Example of using Fluxor for state management in Blazor
    public class CounterState
        public int Count { get; private set; }
        public CounterState(int initialCount)
            Count = initialCount;
        public void Increment() => Count++;
        public void Decrement() => Count--;

State management in .NET 6 offers a rich and versatile toolkit designed to cater to diverse application architectures and scenarios. Whether you're developing traditional web applications, SPAs with Blazor, or complex microservices-based solutions, selecting the appropriate state management approach is crucial for achieving scalability, optimizing performance, and ensuring maintainability.

Key Considerations

Effective state management involves understanding the strengths and trade-offs of different techniques based on specific application requirements. By leveraging server-side, client-side, or hybrid approaches, developers can create robust and responsive web applications that meet modern expectations of performance and user experience.

Evolving Landscape

As .NET continues to evolve, staying abreast of the latest features and best practices in state management remains essential for delivering high-quality applications. Each technique—from session state and database storage to client-side cookies and advanced patterns like Flux/Redux in Blazor—provides unique benefits and is suited for different use cases.


  • Alignment with Application Needs: Choose state management techniques that align with your application's security, performance, and scalability requirements.
  • Adaptability: Embrace hybrid approaches where necessary to combine the strengths of server-side and client-side techniques for optimal results.
  • Continuous Learning: Stay updated with emerging trends and community-driven practices to leverage the full potential of .NET 6's capabilities.


This article has explored a comprehensive range of state management techniques available in .NET 6, offering insights into their implementation strategies and best practices. Whether you're building traditional web applications, SPAs with Blazor, or harnessing the power of WebAssembly, understanding these techniques empowers developers to architect efficient and maintainable solutions.

By integrating these techniques thoughtfully and strategically, developers can navigate the complexities of modern web development with confidence, ensuring their applications are not only functional but also scalable and performant.

This combined conclusion synthesizes the importance of understanding, selecting, and effectively implementing state management techniques in .NET 6. It underscores the critical role these techniques play in achieving robust, responsive, and efficient web applications that meet the evolving demands of today's digital landscape.

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