Not all Functions are C# Methods


When we talk about functional programming, the first thing that comes to mind is “all C# methods are functions.” Well, I don’t want to disappoint you, but that is wrong. All C# functions are methods, but not all C# methods are functions. They might be functions if you apply Functional programming principles properly to them.

The purpose of this article is to help you to understand and differentiate between the C# methods and functions.

The concept of Mathematical functions

Functional programming heavily relies on Mathematical functions. As we mentioned before, you don’t need to master algebra or calculus to apply Functional programming to your C# applications. We have simple rules to make your C# methods have real functional programming functions.

Same argument and same response

The core principle of functional programming in C# is the concept of "pure functions." Pure functions always return the same output for a given set of inputs, acting like predictable mathematical functions. This predictability eliminates reliance on external factors or mutable states within the function. By avoiding modification of external data, pure functions make code easier to reason about and test. C# offers features like lambda expressions and anonymous methods to create lightweight, functional-style functions. These functions can be passed around like values, promoting modularity and code reusability.

Functional programming encourages working with immutable data structures. Immutable data structures, once created, cannot be changed, promoting data integrity and simplifying reasoning. C# provides immutable collections like List<T>.AsReadOnly() and IReadOnlyDictionary<TKey, TValue> for functional programming. Operations on immutable data create new modified versions, leaving the original data untouched. This approach helps prevent unintended side effects and unexpected data changes.

Functional programming emphasizes function composition, chaining smaller functions together to achieve complex tasks. Each function acts on the output of the previous one, creating a clear and readable flow of logic. C# allows function composition through method chaining and the use of LINQ expressions.

Higher-order functions are functions that operate on other functions as arguments or return functions as results. They empower powerful abstractions and facilitate the creation of generic reusable code. C# supports higher-order functions through delegates and lambda expressions.

Functional programming promotes a declarative style, describing what needs to be done rather than how. This approach focuses on the desired outcome, leaving the implementation details to the chosen functions. C# leverages expression-bodied members and pattern matching for more declarative code.

Functional programming offers benefits like improved code maintainability, reduced bugs from side effects, and easier parallelization.

However, it can have a steeper learning curve compared to traditional imperative programming.

The balance lies in understanding when and how to integrate functional concepts for optimal code design.

By incorporating functional programming techniques, you can write cleaner, more predictable, and potentially more parallel C# code.

How can you write your functional programming functions in C#?

  1. Start by introducing small, pure functions within your existing codebase.
  2. Utilize lambda expressions for concise and expressive functional operations.
  3. Leverage immutable data structures whenever possible to enhance data safety and reasoning.
  4. Gradually explore function composition to break down complex logic into smaller, reusable steps.

Ok, but what about “same argument, same response”?

Say we have the following method:

public class Calculator
    private int _runningTotal = 0; // This stores state, violating functional principles

    public int Add(int number)
        _runningTotal += number; // Modifying internal state
        return _runningTotal;

public static void Main(string[] args)
    var calculator = new Calculator();
    int result1 = calculator.Add(5); // result1 will be 5
    int result2 = calculator.Add(3); // result2 will be 8 (accumulates from previous call)

    Console.WriteLine(result1); // Prints 5 (incorrect for "same argument, same response")
    Console.WriteLine(result2); // Prints 8

In this example, the Add method relies on an internal state (_runningTotal) to keep track of the sum.

Calling Add(5) sets the state to 5.

Subsequent calls to Add (like Add(3)) modify this state (adding 3 to the existing 5) and return the updated value (8).

This violates the "same argument, same response" principle because the output depends on the order of calls and the internal state, not just the current input (number). You'll get different responses when you call the same method multiple times.

Functional Approach (Enforcing "Same Argument, Same Response")

Here's the refactored version using functional programming concepts.

public static int Add(int total, int number)
    return total + number; // Pure function, no state modification

public static void Main(string[] args)
    int result1 = Add(0, 5); // Initial total is 0
    int result2 = Add(result1, 3); // Use previous result as new total

    Console.WriteLine(result1); // Prints 5 (correct for "same argument")
    Console.WriteLine(result2); // Prints 8 (correct for "same argument")

This version utilizes a pure function:

Add takes two arguments (total and number) and returns the sum.

It doesn't modify any internal state. The Main method demonstrates how to achieve the desired sum by calling Add with the previous result as the new total.

This approach ensures "same argument, same response" because Add(5) always returns 5, regardless of previous calls.


Remember, functional programming isn't a replacement for object-oriented programming in C# but rather a complementary approach.

Use functional techniques strategically to improve specific aspects of your code. As you gain experience, explore higher-order functions for powerful abstractions and generic programming. Functional programming fosters a different way of thinking about problem-solving in C#.

By embracing its core principles, you can write more robust, maintainable, and potentially performant C# applications. Don't hesitate to experiment and learn from the functional programming community. Many resources exist online and in libraries to aid your exploration of functional C#.

With practice, you'll discover the power and elegance that functional programming can bring to your C# development. Remember, the key is to find the right balance between functional and imperative approaches for your specific needs. By understanding and incorporating functional programming concepts, you can elevate your C# development skills to a new level.

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