Git GUI Clients (3), GitHub Desktop

This is a series of articles related to Git GUI Clients.

Note. Although Git is very popular in the software development process, there is no category defined in this C # Corner site. So, we put the articles under the DevOps category.

When we discuss these Client GUI for Git, we concentrate on these following features associated with the specific Client GUI::

  • Visual StudioVS Code
    • Repos Management (Local):
      • Create a Repository, Branch
      • Clone a Repository
      • Merge, Rebase, Reset, Revert a Branch...
    • Interaction between Local Repos and Remote
      • Fetch
      • Pull
      • Push
      • Sync
    • Editor (+ the original environment functionalities, such as compiling, debugging, and so on)
  • GitHub DesktopTortoiseGitSmartGit
    • Repos Management (Local)
    • Interaction between Local Repos and Remote
  • GitHub Server
    • Repos Management (Remote)
    • Interaction between Repos and Server automation (pipeline)

A - Introduction

In this article, we will describe GitHub as a GUI client and its major features.For GitHub desktop, the features are well organized in the menu bar, we list them as the content of this article:

  • A: Introduction
  • B: Get Started
  • C: File
  • D: View
  • E: Repository
  • F: Branch

B - Get Started

  • Create a Tutorial repository
  • Clone a repository from the internet
  • Create a New Repository on your local drive
  • Add an Existing Repository from your local drive

C - File

D - View

View => Click Changes


Open in Visual Studio Code:

Show in Explorer:

View in GitHub:

View => Click History


View => Click Repository List

Repository List

View => Branches List

Another way to Branches List

Branches List:

E - Repository

Repository Setting:

F - Branch

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