Deploying Visual Studio 2017 In Azure Portal


In this article, I am going to demonstrate how to create and deploy Visual Studio 2017 on the Microsoft Azure portal.

  • Azure Account
Why should we use Visual Studio on Azure Portal?

If we are told to use Visual Studio with the required configuration and we don't have that configuration or if we forget to take our laptops with us, then we can use the online Visual Studio on Azure portal. The Portal provides us with the desired operating system with pre-configured Visual Studio 2017 that we can easily use through internet.

Follow these steps to create Visual Studio in Azure

Sign into the Azure portal.

Microsoft Azure

In the Dashboard,Press "+(New)" , then in the search bar , search for "visual studio" and it shows the results, then choose the desired one. I chose the "Visual studio community on the Windows 10 Enterprise."

Microsoft Azure

Then, it shows the "Terms and Conditions" blade to accept these conditions. Press "Create" to create Visual Studio with Windows 10.

Microsoft Azure

Then, we may configure the Operating System that our Visual Studio needs to be installed on. Because our VS is working upon the Operating System, first give the basic information required for the Virtual Machine like name, username, password, resource group, and the location; then pin the project in dashboard. Press "Ok" and go to the next step.


Don't forget the username and password that we are giving for this VM.

Microsoft Azure

For Size, choose the D2 Standard or you may use the desired configuration.Then, press "Select" to proceed to the next step.

Microsoft Azure

For settings, leave the pre-configured information and then you may use the virtual network if you already created it; then press "Ok".

Microsoft Azure

It runs the final validation. Press "OK" to create the Virtual Machine with pre-installed Visual Studio.

Microsoft Azure

After the deployment has succeeded, it opens the project and shows the details about project. In toolbar, press "Connect" to connect our current machine to the created VM.

Microsoft Azure

Then, save (.rdp file) into system.

Microsoft Azure

For connecting your VM, open the downloaded RDP file and select "Connect".

Microsoft Azure

Then, enter the username and password that we have given while creating the virtual machine and click "OK".

Microsoft Azure

And then, you may receive a certificate warning during the sign-in process. Click "Yes" to proceed with the connection.

Microsoft Azure

It opens the Virtual Machine in our system with pre-installed Visual Studio.

Microsoft Azure


I hope you understood how to deploy the Visual Studio in the Azure Portal.

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