Delegates in .NET Core C#: Syntax, Usage and Examples


A delegate is an object that points to a method; alternatively, it may be thought of as a variable of the reference type that stores references to the methods. Similar to the function pointer in C/C++, delegates are used in C#. It offers a mechanism to specify which method should be invoked in the case that an event is triggered.

For instance, the application would invoke a particular procedure whenever you click on a button on a Windows Form application. Put simply, it's a type that holds references to methods that have a specific argument list and return type, and when a program needs to use a method, it invokes the method for execution.

Crucial information regarding delegates

Offers a useful means of summarizing the techniques.

The library class in the System namespace is a delegate.

Any method's type-safe pointer is this.

Implementing call-back functions and events is the primary usage of delegates.

Since several methods can be called on a single event, delegates can be chained together.

The class of the object it references is irrelevant to it.

Additionally, delegates can be invoked using "anonymous methods."

In certain scenarios, delegate types are compiled using Lambda expressions (C# 3.0) and Anonymous Methods (C# 2.0). These characteristics collectively are sometimes referred to as anonymous functions.

Declaring of Delegates

The delegate keyword can be used to declare a delegate type. The methods whose return type and argument list match the delegate declaration will be referred to and called by the delegate instance once it has been declared.


[modifier] delegate [returnType] [delegateName] ([parameterList]);
  • Modifier: This is an optional modifier that is necessary to define the delegate's access.
  • Delegate: This term is used to specify what a delegate is.
  • returnType: This refers to the kind of value that the delegate's methods will return. It might be null and void. The return type of a method must match that of the delegate.
  • delegateName: This is the name or identifier for the delegate that the user has defined.
  • parameterList: This lists the parameters that, when called through the delegate, the method needs.

As an illustration

// "public" is the modifier
// "int" is return type
// "Addition" is delegate name
// "(int a, int b)" are the parameters
public delegate int Addition(int a, int b);

Note. A delegate will only invoke a method whose signature and return type match. It doesn't matter if a method is an instance method linked to an object or a static method associated with a class.

Instantiation & Invocation of Delegates

A delegate object is produced following the declaration of a delegate with the use of a new keyword. A delegate is passed to a method at instantiation, passing back any method calls made to it. The caller passes the parameters to the delegate, who then passes them to the method. The delegate then returns any return values from the method to the caller. We refer to this as calling upon the delegate.


[delegateName]  [instanceName] = new [delegateName](callingMethodName);

As an illustration

Addtition add = new Addition(Adds);
       // here,
       // "Addition" is delegate name. 
       // "add" is instance name
       // "Adds" is the calling method.
public class Addition
    public delegate void Sum(int a, int b);
    public delegate void Mul(int a, int b);
    public void Add(int a, int b)
        Console.WriteLine("Addition: {0}", a + b);
    public void Multiplication(int a, int b)
        Console.WriteLine("Multiplication: {0}", a * b);

Here is the Program.cs file code.

Addition add = new Addition();
Sum sum = new Sum(add.Add);
Mul mul = new Mul(add.Multiplication);
sum(20, 45);
mul(21, 34);
sum.Invoke(11, 76);
mul.Invoke(54, 21);


Multicasting of a Delegate

A variation of the standard delegate, often known as a single-cast delegate, is multicasting. The ability to point to multiple methods in a single request is helpful to the user.


Combining delegate calls results in the calling of an entire array of methods.

The order in which all methods are called is First in First Out (FIFO).

The operators "+" or "+=" are used to append methods to delegates.

The operators "–" or "-=" are used to eliminate the methods from the list of delegates.

Recall that multicasting a delegate requires a Void return type; otherwise, a runtime exception would be raised. Additionally, just the value from the most recent method added to the multicast will be returned by the delegate multicasting. Nevertheless, the other approaches will be carried out effectively.

As an illustration

public class Addition
    public delegate void Sum(int a, int b);
    public void Add(int a, int b)
        Console.WriteLine("Addition: {0}", a + b);
    public void Multiplication(int a, int b)
        Console.WriteLine("Multiplication: {0}", a * b);

Here is the Program.cs file code.

Addition add = new Addition();
Sum sum = new Sum(add.Add);
sum += add.Multiplication;
sum.Invoke(32, 11);
sum.Invoke(11, 11);


We learned the new technique and evolved together.

Happy coding! 

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