In this Angular 2.0 article series, we have already discussed about different types of basic and advanced concepts or features of AngularJs 2.0 like data binding, directives, pipes, service, route, http modules, change detection, state management, lazy loading of the modules, Localization etc. Now in this article, we will discuss about how to implement chart objects in Angular 2.0. In case you have not had a look at the previous articles of this series, go through the links mentioned below.
Now, in this article, we will demonstrate how to create Pie Chart type in AngularJS 2.0 using AmCharts JavaScript Library. For doing this, add the below mentioned file
- declare namespace AmCharts {
- var baseHref: boolean;
- var dayNames: string[];
- var monthNames: string[];
- var shortDayNames: string[];
- var shortMonthNames: string[];
- var useUTC: boolean;
- var themes: any;
- var readyChart: any;
- var isReady: any;
- function clear(): void;
- function ready(f: Function): void;
- function makeChart(selector: string, params: any, delay?: number): AmChart;
- function addInitHandler(handler: Function, types: string[]): any;
- class AmPieChart extends AmChart {
- alphaField: string;
- angle: number;
- balloonText: string;
- chartData: any[];
- colorField: string;
- colors: any[];
- depth3D: number;
- descriptionField: string;
- gradientRatio: number[];
- groupedAlpha: number;
- groupedColor: string;
- groupedDescription: string;
- groupedPulled: boolean;
- groupedTitle: string;
- groupPercent: number;
- hideLabelsPercent: number;
- hoverAlpha: number;
- innerRadius: any;
- labelRadius: number;
- labelRadiusField: string;
- labelsEnabled: boolean;
- labelText: string;
- labelTickAlpha: number;
- labelTickColor: string;
- marginBottom: number;
- marginLeft: number;
- marginRight: number;
- marginTop: number;
- minRadius: number;
- outlineAlpha: number;
- outlineColor: string;
- outlineThickness: number;
- pieAlpha: number;
- pieBaseColor: string;
- pieBrightnessStep: number;
- pieX: any;
- pieY: any;
- pulledField: string;
- pullOutDuration: number;
- pullOutEffect: string;
- pullOutOnlyOne: boolean;
- pullOutRadius: any;
- radius: any;
- sequencedAnimation: boolean;
- startAlpha: number;
- startAngle: number;
- startDuration: number;
- startEffect: string;
- startRadius: any;
- titleField: string;
- urlField: string;
- urlTarget: string;
- valueField: string;
- visibleInLegendField: string;
- animateAgain(): void;
- clickSlice(index: number): void;
- hideSlice(index: number): void;
- rollOutSlice(index: number): void;
- rollOverSlice(index: number): void;
- showSlice(index: number): void;
- addListener(type: string, handler: (e: {
- type: string; dataItem: Slice; chart: AmChart;
- }) => void): void;
- }
- class AmRadarChart extends AmCoordinateChart {
- marginBottom: number;
- marginLeft: number;
- marginRight: number;
- marginTop: number;
- radius: any;
- }
- class AmXYChart extends AmRectangularChart {
- hideXScrollbar: boolean;
- hideYScrollbar: boolean;
- maxZoomFactor: number;
- zoomOut(): void;
- }
- class Guide {
- above: boolean;
- angle: number;
- balloonColor: string;
- balloonText: string;
- boldLabel: boolean;
- category: string;
- dashLength: number;
- date: Date;
- expand: boolean;
- fillAlpha: number;
- fillColor: string;
- fontSize: string;
- id: string;
- inside: boolean;
- label: string;
- labelRotation: number;
- lineAlpha: number;
- lineColor: string;
- lineThickness: number;
- position: string;
- tickLength: number;
- toAngle: number;
- toCategory: string;
- toDate: Date;
- toValue: number;
- value: number;
- valueAxis: ValueAxis;
- }
- class ImagesSettings {
- alpha: number;
- balloonText: string;
- centered: boolean;
- color: string;
- descriptionWindowHeight: number;
- descriptionWindowWidth: number;
- descriptionWindowX: number;
- descriptionWindowY: number;
- labelColor: string;
- labelfontSize: string;
- labelPosition: string;
- labelRollOverColor: string;
- outlineAlpha: number;
- outlineColor: string;
- outlineThickness: number;
- rollOverColor: string;
- rollOverScale: number;
- selectedScale: number;
- }
- class AreasSettings {
- alpha: number;
- autoZoom: boolean;
- balloonText: string;
- color: string;
- colorSolid: string;
- descriptionWindowHeight: number;
- descriptionWindowWidth: number;
- descriptionWindowX: number;
- descriptionWindowY: number;
- outlineAlpha: number;
- outlineColor: string;
- outlineThickness: number;
- rollOverColor: string;
- rollOverOutlineColor: string;
- selectedColor: string;
- unlistedAreasAlpha: number;
- unlistedAreasColor: string;
- unlistedAreasOutlineAlpha: number;
- unlistedAreasOutlineColor: string;
- }
- class Slice {
- alpha: number;
- color: string;
- dataContext: Object;
- description: string;
- hidden: boolean;
- percents: number;
- pulled: boolean;
- title: string;
- url: string;
- value: number;
- visibleInLegend: boolean;
- }
- class AmStockChart {
- animationPlayed: boolean;
- balloon: AmBalloon;
- categoryAxesSettings: CategoryAxesSettings;
- chartCreated: boolean;
- chartCursorSettings: ChartCursorSettings;
- chartScrollbarSettings: ChartScrollbarSettings;
- colors: any[];
- comparedDataSets: any[];
- dataSets: any[];
- dataSetSelector: DataSetSelector;
- endDate: Date;
- firstDayOfWeek: number;
- glueToTheEnd: boolean;
- legendSettings: LegendSettings;
- mainDataSet: DataSet;
- panels: any[];
- panelsSettings: PanelsSettings;
- periodSelector: PeriodSelector;
- scrollbarChart: AmSerialChart;
- startDate: Date;
- stockEventsSettings: any;
- valueAxesSettings: ValueAxesSettings;
- version: string;
- zoomOutOnDataSetChange: boolean;
- addPanel(panel: StockPanel): void;
- addPanelAt(panel: StockPanel, index: number): void;
- clear(): void;
- hideStockEvents(): void;
- removeListener(obj: any, type: string, handler: any): void;
- removePanel(panel: StockPanel): void;
- showStockEvents(): void;
- validateData(): void;
- validateNow(): void;
- zoom(startDate: Date, endDate: Date): void;
- zoomOut(): void;
- addListener(type: string, handler: (e: {
- type: string;
- chart: AmStockChart;
- }) => void): void;
- addListener(type: string, handler: (e: {
- type: string;
- eventObject: any;
- graph: AmGraph;
- date: Date;
- chart: AmStockChart;
- }) => void): void;
- addListener(type: string, handler: (e: {
- type: string;
- startDate: Date;
- endDate: Date;
- period: string;
- chart: AmStockChart;
- }) => void): void;
- addListener(type: string, handler: (e: {
- type: string;
- panel: StockPanel;
- chart: AmStockChart;
- }) => void): void;
- removeListener(chart: AmChart, type: string, handler: any): void;
- }
- class ValueAxesSettings {
- autoGridCount: boolean;
- axisAlpha: number;
- axisColor: string;
- axisThickness: number;
- color: string;
- dashLength: number;
- fillAlpha: number;
- fillColor: string;
- gridAlpha: number;
- gridColor: string;
- gridCount: number;
- gridThickness: number;
- includeGuidesInMinMax: boolean;
- includeHidden: boolean;
- inside: boolean;
- integersOnly: boolean;
- labelFrequency: number;
- labelsEnabled: boolean;
- logarithmic: boolean;
- offset: number;
- position: string;
- reversed: boolean;
- showFirstLabel: boolean;
- showLastLabel: boolean;
- stackType: string;
- tickLength: number;
- unit: string;
- unitPosition: string;
- }
- class AmLegend {
- align: string;
- autoMargins: boolean;
- backgroundAlpha: number;
- backgroundColor: string;
- borderAlpha: number;
- borderColor: string;
- bottom: number;
- color: string;
- data: any[];
- equalWidths: boolean;
- fontSize: string;
- horizontalGap: number;
- labelText: string;
- left: number;
- marginBottom: number;
- marginLeft: number;
- marginRight: number;
- marginTop: number;
- markerBorderAlpha: number;
- markerBorderColor: string;
- markerBorderThickness: number;
- markerDisabledColor: string;
- markerLabelGap: number;
- markerSize: number;
- markerType: string;
- maxColumns: number;
- position: string;
- reversedOrder: boolean;
- right: number;
- rollOverColor: string;
- rollOverGraphAlpha: number;
- showEntries: boolean;
- spacing: number;
- switchable: boolean;
- switchColor: string;
- switchType: string;
- textClickEnabled: boolean;
- top: number;
- useGraphSettings: boolean;
- useMarkerColorForLabels: boolean;
- valueAlign: string;
- valueText: string;
- valueWidth: number;
- verticalGap: number;
- addListener(type: string, handler: (e: {
- type: string; dataItem: Object; chart: AmChart;
- }) => void): void;
- removeListener(chart: AmChart, type: string, handler: any): void;
- }
- class StockLegend extends AmLegend {
- valueTextComparing: string;
- valueTextRegular: string;
- }
- class StockPanel extends AmSerialChart {
- allowTurningOff: boolean;
- drawingIconsEnabled: boolean;
- drawOnAxis: ValueAxis;
- eraseAll: boolean;
- iconSize: number;
- percentHeight: number;
- recalculateToPercents: string;
- showCategoryAxis: boolean;
- stockGraphs: StockGraph[];
- stockLegend: StockLegend;
- title: string;
- trendLineAlpha: number;
- trendLineColor: string;
- trendLineDashLength: number;
- trendLineThickness: number;
- addStockGraph(graph: StockGraph): void;
- removeStockGraph(graph: StockGraph): void;
- }
- class AmChart {
- constructor(theme?: any);
- addClassNames: boolean;
- allLabels: Label[];
- autoResize: boolean;
- backgroundAlpha: number;
- backgroundColor: string;
- balloon: AmBalloon;
- borderAlpha: number;
- borderColor: string;
- classNamePrefix: string;
- color: string;
- creditsPosition: string;
- dataProvider: any[];
- decimalSeparator: string;
- defs: any;
- export: ExportSettings;
- fontFamily: string;
- fontSize: string;
- handDrawn: boolean;
- handDrawScatter: number;
- handDrawThickness: number;
- hideBalloonTime: number;
- legend: AmLegend;
- legendDiv: HTMLElement;
- listerns: Object[];
- panEventsEnabled: boolean;
- path: string;
- pathToImages: string;
- percentPrecision: number;
- precision: number;
- prefixesOfBigNumbers: any[];
- prefixesOfSmallNumbers: any[];
- theme: string;
- thousandsSeparator: string;
- titles: Title[];
- type: string;
- usePrefixes: boolean;
- version: string;
- addLabel(x: number | string, y: number | string, text: string, align: string, size?: number, color?: string, rotation?: number, alpha?: number, bold?: boolean, url?: string): any;
- addLegend(legend: AmLegend, legendDivId?: string): void;
- addLegend(legend: AmLegend, legendDiv: HTMLElement): void;
- addTitle(text: string, size: number, color: string, alpha: number, bold: boolean): void;
- clear(): void;
- clearLabels(): void;
- invalidateSize(): void;
- removeLegend(): void;
- validateData(): void;
- validateNow(): void;
- write(container: HTMLElement): void;
- write(container: string): void;
- addListener(type: string, handler: (e: {
- type: string;
- chart: AmChart;
- }) => void): void;
- removeListener(chart: AmChart, type: string, handler: any): void;
- }
- class AmCoordinateChart extends AmChart {
- chartData: Object[];
- colors: string[];
- graphs: AmGraph[];
- gridAboveGraphs: boolean;
- guides: Guide[];
- sequencedAnimation: boolean;
- startAlpha: number;
- startDuration: number;
- startEffect: string;
- urlTarget: any;
- valueAxes: any[];
- addGraph(graph: AmGraph): void;
- addValueAxis(axis: ValueAxis): void;
- animateAgain(): void;
- getGraphById(graphId: string): AmGraph;
- getValueAxisById(axisId: string): ValueAxis;
- hideGraph(graph: AmGraph): void;
- hideGraphsBalloon(graph: AmGraph): void;
- highlightGraph(graph: AmGraph): void;
- removeGraph(graph: AmGraph): void;
- removeValueAxis(axis: ValueAxis): void;
- showGraph(graph: AmGraph): void;
- showGraphsBalloon(graph: AmGraph): void;
- unhighlightGraph(graph: AmGraph): void;
- addListener(type: string, handler: (e: {
- type: string;
- graph: AmGraph;
- item: GraphDataItem;
- index: number;
- chart: AmChart;
- }) => void): void;
- }
- class GraphDataItem {
- alpha: number;
- bullet: string;
- bulletSize: number;
- category: string;
- color: string;
- customBullet: string;
- dataContext: Object;
- description: string;
- fillColors: any[];
- percents: Object;
- serialDataItem: SerialDataItem;
- url: string;
- values: Object;
- x: number;
- y: number;
- }
- class SerialDataItem {
- axes: Object;
- category: any;
- time: number;
- x: number;
- }
- class CategoryAxis extends AxisBase {
- boldPeriodBeginning: boolean;
- dateFormats: any[];
- equalSpacing: boolean;
- forceShowField: string;
- gridPosition: string;
- minorGridEnabled: boolean;
- minPeriod: string;
- parseDates: boolean;
- startOnAxis: boolean;
- twoLineMode: boolean;
- useLineColorForBulletBorder: boolean;
- categoryToCoordinate(category: string): void;
- coordinateToDate(coordinate: number): void;
- dateToCoordinate(date: Date): void;
- xToIndex(x: number): void;
- }
- class ChartScrollbar {
- autoGridCount: boolean;
- backgroundAlpha: number;
- backgroundColor: string;
- categoryAxis: CategoryAxis;
- color: string;
- graph: AmGraph;
- graphFillAlpha: number;
- graphFillColor: string;
- graphLineAlpha: number;
- graphLineColor: string;
- graphType: string;
- gridAlpha: number;
- gridColor: string;
- gridCount: number;
- hideResizeGrips: boolean;
- resizeEnabled: boolean;
- scrollbarHeight: number;
- scrollDuration: number;
- selectedBackgroundAlpha: number;
- selectedBackgroundColor: string;
- selectedGraphFillAlpha: number;
- selectedGraphFillColor: string;
- selectedGraphLineAlpha: number;
- selectedGraphLineColor: string;
- updateOnReleaseOnly: boolean;
- }
- class AmRectangularChart extends AmCoordinateChart {
- angle: number;
- autoMarginOffset: number;
- autoMargins: boolean;
- chartCursor: ChartCursor;
- chartScrollbar: ChartScrollbar;
- depth3D: number;
- marginBottom: number;
- marginLeft: number;
- marginRight: number;
- marginsUpdated: boolean;
- marginTop: number;
- plotAreaBorderAlpha: number;
- plotAreaBorderColor: string;
- plotAreaFillAlphas: number;
- plotAreaFillColors: any;
- plotAreaGradientAngle: number;
- trendLines: TrendLine[];
- zoomOutButtonAlpha: number;
- zoomOutButtonColor: string;
- zoomOutButtonImage: string;
- zoomOutButtonImageSize: number;
- zoomOutButtonPadding: number;
- zoomOutButtonRollOverAlpha: number;
- zoomOutText: string;
- addChartCursor(cursor: ChartCursor): void;
- addChartScrollbar(scrollbar: ChartScrollbar): void;
- addTrendLine(trendLine: TrendLine): void;
- removeChartCursor(): void;
- removeChartScrollbar(): void;
- removeTrendLine(trendLine: TrendLine): void;
- }
- class TrendLine {
- }
- class ChartCursor {
- bulletsEnabled: boolean;
- bulletSize: number;
- categoryBalloonAlpha: number;
- categoryBalloonColor: string;
- categoryBalloonDateFormat: string;
- categoryBalloonEnabled: boolean;
- color: string;
- cursorAlpha: number;
- cursorColor: string;
- cursorPosition: string;
- enabled: boolean;
- fullWidth: boolean;
- oneBalloonOnly: boolean;
- pan: boolean;
- selectionAlpha: number;
- selectWithoutZooming: boolean;
- valueBalloonsEnabled: boolean;
- zoomable: boolean;
- zooming: boolean;
- hideCursor(): void;
- showCursorAt(category: string): void;
- addListener(type: string, handler: (e: {
- type: string; index: number; zooming: boolean; mostCloseGraph: AmGraph; chart: AmChart;
- }) => void): void;
- addListener(type: string, handler: (e: {
- type: string; chart: AmChart;
- }) => void): void;
- addListener(type: string, handler: (e: {
- type: string; index: number; zooming: boolean; chart: AmChart;
- }) => void): void;
- removeListener(chart: AmChart, type: string, handler: any): void;
- }
- class AmSerialChart extends AmRectangularChart {
- balloonDateFormat: string;
- categoryAxis: CategoryAxis;
- categoryField: string;
- columnSpacing: number;
- columnSpacing3D: number;
- columnWidth: number;
- endDate: Date;
- endIndex: number;
- maxSelectedSeries: number;
- maxSelectedTime: number;
- minSelectedTime: number;
- mouseWheelScrollEnabled: boolean;
- mouseWheelZoomEnabled: boolean;
- rotate: boolean;
- startDate: Date;
- startIndex: number;
- zoomOutOnDataUpdate: boolean;
- getCategoryIndexByValue(value: number): void;
- zoomOut(): void;
- zoomToCategoryValues(start: Date, end: Date): void;
- zoomToDates(start: Date, end: Date): void;
- zoomToIndexes(start: Date, end: Date): void;
- }
- class PeriodSelector {
- dateFormat: string;
- fromText: string;
- hideOutOfScopePeriods: boolean;
- inputFieldsEnabled: boolean;
- inputFieldWidth: number;
- periods: any[];
- periodsText: string;
- position: string;
- selectFromStart: boolean;
- toText: string;
- width: number;
- addListener(type: string, handler: (e: {
- type: string;
- startDate: Date;
- endDate: Date;
- predefinedPeriod: string;
- count: number;
- }) => void): void;
- removeListener(chart: AmChart, type: string, handler: any): void;
- }
- class PanelsSettings {
- angle: number;
- backgroundAlpha: number;
- backgroundColor: string;
- columnSpacing: number;
- columnWidth: number;
- depth3D: number;
- fontFamily: string;
- fontSize: string;
- marginBottom: number;
- marginLeft: number;
- marginRight: number;
- marginTop: number;
- panelSpacing: number;
- panEventsEnabled: boolean;
- plotAreaBorderAlpha: number;
- plotAreaBorderColor: string;
- plotAreaFillAlphas: number;
- plotAreaFillColors: any;
- prefixesOfBigNumbers: any[];
- prefixesOfSmallNumbers: any[];
- sequencedAnimation: boolean;
- startAlpha: number;
- startDuration: number;
- startEffect: string;
- usePrefixes: boolean;
- }
- class DataSet {
- categoryField: string;
- color: string;
- compared: boolean;
- dataProvider: any[];
- fieldMappings: any[];
- showInCompare: boolean;
- showInSelect: boolean;
- stockEvents: StockEvent[];
- title: string;
- }
- class StockGraph extends AmGraph {
- comparable: boolean;
- compareField: string;
- compareGraphBalloonColor: string;
- compareGraphBalloonText: string;
- compareGraphBullet: string;
- compareGraphBulletSize: number;
- compareGraphCornerRadiusTop: number;
- compareGraphDashLength: number;
- compareGraphFillAlphas: number;
- compareGraphFillColors: string;
- compareGraphLineAlpha: number;
- compareGraphLineThickness: number;
- compareGraphType: string;
- compareGraphVisibleInLegend: boolean;
- periodValue: string;
- useDataSetColors: boolean;
- }
- class StockEvent {
- backgroundAlpha: number;
- backgroundColor: string;
- borderAlpha: number;
- borderColor: string;
- color: string;
- date: Date;
- graph: StockGraph;
- rollOverColor: string;
- showOnAxis: boolean;
- text: string;
- type: string;
- url: string;
- urlTarget: string;
- }
- class Label {
- align: string;
- alpha: number;
- bold: boolean;
- color: string;
- id: string;
- rotation: number;
- size: number;
- text: string;
- url: string;
- x: number | string;
- y: number | string;
- }
- class LegendSettings {
- align: string;
- equalWidths: boolean;
- horizontalGap: number;
- labelText: string;
- marginBottom: number;
- marginTop: number;
- markerBorderAlpha: number;
- markerBorderColor: string;
- markerBorderThickness: number;
- markerDisabledColor: string;
- markerLabelGap: number;
- markerSize: number;
- markerType: string;
- reversedOrder: boolean;
- rollOverColor: string;
- rollOverGraphAlpha: number;
- switchable: boolean;
- switchColor: string;
- switchType: string;
- textClickEnabled: boolean;
- useMarkerColorForLabels: boolean;
- valueTextComparing: string;
- valueTextRegular: string;
- valueWidth: number;
- verticalGap: number;
- }
- class DataSetSelector {
- comboBoxSelectText: string;
- compareText: string;
- listHeight: number;
- position: string;
- selectText: string;
- width: number;
- }
- class AmBalloon {
- adjustBorderColor: boolean;
- borderAlpha: number;
- borderColor: string;
- borderThickness: number;
- color: string;
- cornerRadius: number;
- fillAlpha: number;
- fillColor: string;
- fontSize: string;
- horizontalPadding: number;
- pointerWidth: number;
- showBullet: boolean;
- textAlign: string;
- textShadowColor: string;
- verticalPadding: number;
- hide(): void;
- setBounds(left: number, top: number, right: number, bottom: number): void;
- setPosition(x: number, y: number): void;
- show(value: string): void;
- }
- class CategoryAxesSettings {
- autoGridCount: boolean;
- axisAlpha: number;
- axisColor: string;
- axisHeight: number;
- axisThickness: number;
- color: string;
- dashLength: number;
- dateFormats: any[];
- equalSpacing: boolean;
- fillAlpha: number;
- fillColor: string;
- fontSize: string;
- gridAlpha: number;
- gridColor: string;
- gridCount: number;
- gridThickness: number;
- groupToPeriods: any[];
- inside: boolean;
- labelRotation: number;
- maxSeries: number;
- minPeriod: string;
- position: string;
- startOnAxis: boolean;
- tickLength: number;
- }
- class ChartCursorSettings {
- bulletsEnabled: boolean;
- bulletSize: number;
- categoryBalloonAlpha: number;
- categoryBalloonColor: string;
- categoryBalloonDateFormats: any[];
- categoryBalloonEnabled: boolean;
- cursorAlpha: number;
- cursorColor: string;
- cursorPosition: string;
- enabled: boolean;
- pan: boolean;
- valueBalloonsEnabled: boolean;
- zoomable: boolean;
- }
- class ChartScrollbarSettings {
- autoGridCount: boolean;
- backgroundAlpha: number;
- backgroundColor: string;
- color: string;
- enabled: boolean;
- fontSize: string;
- graph: AmGraph;
- graphFillAlpha: number;
- graphFillColor: string;
- graphLineAlpha: number;
- graphLineColor: string;
- graphType: string;
- gridAlpha: number;
- gridColor: string;
- gridCount: number;
- height: number;
- hideResizeGrips: boolean;
- scrollDuration: number;
- selectedBackgroundAlpha: number;
- selectedBackgroundColor: string;
- selectedGraphFillAlpha: number;
- selectedGraphFillColor: string;
- selectedGraphLineAlpha: number;
- selectedGraphLineColor: string;
- updateOnReleaseOnly: boolean;
- }
- class AmGraph {
- alphaField: string;
- balloonColor: string;
- balloonFunction(graphDataItem: GraphDataItem, amGraph: AmGraph): string;
- balloonText: string;
- behindColumns: boolean;
- bullet: string;
- bulletAlpha: number;
- bulletBorderAlpha: number;
- bulletBorderColor: string;
- bulletBorderThickness: number;
- bulletColor: string;
- bulletField: string;
- bulletOffset: number;
- bulletSize: number;
- bulletSizeField: string;
- closeField: string;
- color: string;
- colorField: string;
- connect: boolean;
- cornerRadiusTop: number;
- cursorBulletAlpha: number;
- customBullet: string;
- customBulletField: string;
- dashLength: number;
- descriptionField: string;
- fillAlphas: number;
- fillColors: any;
- fillColorsField: string;
- fillToGraph: AmGraph;
- fontSize: string;
- gradientOrientation: string;
- hidden: boolean;
- hideBulletsCount: number;
- highField: string;
- includeInMinMax: boolean;
- labelColorField: string;
- labelPosition: string;
- labelText: string;
- legendAlpha: number;
- legendColor: string;
- legendValueText: string;
- lineAlpha: number;
- lineColor: string;
- lineColorField: string;
- lineThickness: number;
- lowField: string;
- markerType: string;
- maxBulletSize: number;
- minBulletSize: number;
- negativeBase: number;
- negativeFillAlphas: number;
- negativeFillColors: any;
- negativeLineColor: string;
- numberFormatter: Object;
- openField: string;
- precision: number;
- pointPosition: string;
- showAllValueLabels: boolean;
- showBalloon: boolean;
- showBalloonAt: string;
- stackable: boolean;
- title: string;
- type: string;
- urlField: string;
- urlTarget: string;
- valueAxis: ValueAxis;
- valueField: string;
- visibleInLegend: boolean;
- xAxis: ValueAxis;
- xField: string;
- yAxis: ValueAxis;
- yField: string;
- }
- class AxisBase {
- autoGridCount: boolean;
- axisAlpha: number;
- axisColor: string;
- axisThickness: number;
- color: string;
- dashLength: number;
- fillAlpha: number;
- fillColor: string;
- fontSize: string;
- gridAlpha: number;
- gridColor: string;
- gridCount: number;
- gridThickness: number;
- guides: any[];
- ignoreAxisWidth: boolean;
- inside: boolean;
- labelFrequency: number;
- labelRotation: number;
- labelsEnabled: boolean;
- offset: number;
- position: string;
- showFirstLabel: boolean;
- showLastLabel: boolean;
- tickLength: number;
- title: string;
- titleBold: boolean;
- titleColor: string;
- titlefontSize: string;
- addGuide(guide: Guide): void;
- removeGuide(guide: Guide): void;
- }
- class ValueAxis extends AxisBase {
- axisTitleOffset: number;
- baseCoord: number;
- baseValue: number;
- duration: string;
- durationUnits: Object;
- gridType: string;
- id: string;
- includeGuidesInMinMax: boolean;
- includeHidden: boolean;
- integersOnly: boolean;
- labelFunction(value: number, valueText: string, valueAxis: ValueAxis): string;
- labelFunction(valueText: string, data: Date, valueAxis: ValueAxis): string;
- logarithmic: boolean;
- max: number;
- maximum: number;
- maximumData: Date;
- min: number;
- minimum: number;
- minimumDate: Date;
- minMaxMultiplier: number;
- pointPosition: string;
- position: string;
- precision: number;
- radarCategoriesEnabled: boolean;
- recalculateToPercents: boolean;
- reversed: boolean;
- stackType: string;
- step: number;
- strictMinMax: boolean;
- synchronizationMultiplier: number;
- synchronizeWith: ValueAxis;
- totalText: string;
- totalTextColor: string;
- totalTextOffset: number;
- treatZeroAs: number;
- type: string;
- unit: string;
- unitPosition: string;
- usePrefixes: boolean;
- useScientificNotation: boolean;
- addGuide(guide: Guide): void;
- addListener(type: string, handler: any): void;
- coordinateToValue(coordinate: number): void;
- getCoordinate(value: number): void;
- removeGuide(guide: Guide): void;
- removeListener(obj: any, type: string, handler: any): void;
- synchronizeWithAxis(axis: ValueAxis): void;
- zoomToValues(startValue: number, endValue: number): void;
- addListener(type: string, handler: (e: {
- type: string; startValue: Date; endValue: Date; chart: AmChart;
- }) => void): void;
- addListener(type: string, handler: (e: {
- type: string; chart: AmChart;
- }) => void): void;
- removeListener(chart: AmChart, type: string, handler: any): void;
- }
- class Title {
- alpha: number;
- bold: boolean;
- color: string;
- id: string;
- size: number;
- text: string;
- }
- class ExportSettings {
- enabled: boolean;
- libs: Object;
- menu: Object;
- config: any;
- capture(config: any, callback: () => void): any;
- toJPG(config: any, callback: (config: any) => void): any;
- }
- }
- import { Component, Input, Output, EventEmitter, NgModule } from "@angular/core";
- @Component({
- moduleId:,
- selector: 'pie-Chart',
- templateUrl: 'pieChart.html'
- })
- export class PieChartComponent {
- private pieChart: any;
- @Input() private controlId: string;
- @Input() private titleField: string;
- @Input() private valueField: string;
- @Input() private caption: string = '';
- @Input() private apiUrl: string = '';
- @Input() private apiAction: string = '';
- @Input() private showLable: boolean;
- @Input("source") private _source: Array<any> = [];
- @Output() private onError: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter<any>();
- constructor() {
- }
- ngOnInit() {
- this.InitializeData();
- }
- InitializeData(): void {
- if (AmCharts.isReady) {
- let self = this;
- this.createChart();
- }
- }
- private createChart(): void {
- let self = this;
- self.pieChart = new AmCharts.AmPieChart();
- self.pieChart.dataProvider = self._source;
- self.pieChart.titleField = self.titleField;
- self.pieChart.valueField = self.valueField;
- self.pieChart.colors = ['#FF6600', '#FCD202', '#B0DE09', '#0D8ECF', '#2A0CD0', '#CD0D74', '#CC0000', '#00CC00', '#0000CC', '#DDDDDD', '#999999', '#333333', '#990000'];
- self.pieChart.sequencedAnimation = true;
- self.pieChart.startEffect = "elastic";
- self.pieChart.labelRadius = 1;
- self.pieChart.balloonText = "[[title]]:[[value]]([[percents]]%)";
- self.pieChart.labelText = "[[title]]";
- self.pieChart.outlineColor = "#ffffff";
- self.pieChart.innerRadius = "0%";
- self.pieChart.outlineAlpha = 1;
- self.pieChart.labelsEnabled = self.showLable;
- self.pieChart.outlineThickness = 1;
- var legend = new AmCharts.AmLegend();
- legend.position = "bottom";
- legend.equalWidths = false;
- legend.markerSize = 6;
- legend.marginBottom = 0;
- legend.useMarkerColorForLabels = true;
- legend.equalWidths = false;
- self.pieChart.addLegend(legend);
- self.pieChart.write(self.controlId);
- }
- }
- <div>
- <h2 >{{caption}}</h2>
- <div id={{controlId}} style="width:50%; height:600px;"></div>
- </div>
- import { Component, OnInit, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
- import { Http, Response } from '@angular/http';
- import * as Immutable from 'immutable';
- @Component({
- moduleId:,
- selector: 'home-page',
- templateUrl: 'app.component.homepage.html'
- })
- export class HomePageComponent implements OnInit {
- private data: Array<any> = [];
- constructor() {
- }
- ngOnInit(): void {
- = [
- { title: "IT", litres: 30 },
- { title: "Services", litres: 25 },
- { title: "FM", litres: 30 },
- { title: "Marketing", litres: 30 },
- { title: "Uncategorized", litres: 20 }];
- }
- }
- <div>
- <h3>Pie Chart</h3>
- <pie-chart [controlId]="'chart1CtrlId'" [categoryField]="'country'" [valueField]="'visits'"
- [title]="'Country Visits'" [source]="data" #char1></pie-chart>
- </div>
- import { NgModule, NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA } from '@angular/core';
- import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
- import { ReactiveFormsModule } from "@angular/forms";
- import { PieChartComponent} from './src/chart.component';
- import { HomePageComponent } from './src/app.component.homepage';
- @NgModule({
- imports: [BrowserModule, ReactiveFormsModule],
- declarations: [HomePageComponent, PieChartComponent],
- bootstrap: [HomePageComponent]
- })
- export class AppModule { }
- <!DOCTYPE html>
- <html>
- <head>
- <title>Angular2 - Column Chart </title>
- <meta charset="UTF-8">
- <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
- <link href="../resources/style/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet" />
- <link href="../resources/style/style1.css" rel="stylesheet" />
- <!-- Polyfill(s) for older browsers -->
- <script src="../resources/js/jquery-2.1.1.js"></script>
- <script src="../resources/js/bootstrap.js"></script>
- <script src="../node_modules/core-js/client/shim.min.js"></script>
- <script src="../node_modules/zone.js/dist/zone.js"></script>
- <script src="../node_modules/reflect-metadata/Reflect.js"></script>
- <script src="../node_modules/systemjs/dist/system.src.js"></script>
- <script src="../systemjs.config.js"></script>
- <script src="js/amChart/amcharts.js"></script>
- <script src="js/amChart/funnel.js"></script>
- <script src="js/amChart/gantt.js"></script>
- <script src="js/amChart/gauge.js"></script>
- <script src="js/amChart/pie.js"></script>
- <script src="js/amChart/polarScatter.js"></script>
- <script src="js/amChart/radar.js"></script>
- <script src="js/amChart/serial.js"></script>
- <script src="js/amChart/xy.js"></script>
- <script>
- System.import('app').catch(function (err) { console.error(err); });
- </script>
- <!-- Set the base href, demo only! In your app: <base href="/"> -->
- <script>document.write('<base href="' + document.location + '" />');</script>
- </head>
- <body>
- <home-page>Loading</home-page>
- </body>
- </html>
- import { platformBrowserDynamic } from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic';
- import { AppModule } from './app.module';
- const platform = platformBrowserDynamic();
- platform.bootstrapModule(AppModule);
Now, run the code. The output is given below.