In WPF, the ValidationRule class serves the purpose of validating user input within controls such as TextBox by enabling the creation of custom validation rules. A ValidationRule can be incorporated into a binding to define specific criteria that the input must satisfy, which may include restrictions such as permitting only numeric entries or adhering to a designated range of values.
Procedures for executing the ValidationRules
Step 1. To establish a Custom ValidationRule, begin by defining a class that derives from ValidationRule. Subsequently, override the Validate method to incorporate your specific validation logic.
using System.Globalization;
using System.Windows.Controls;
namespace WpfValidationExample
public class DoubleValidationRule : ValidationRule
public override ValidationResult Validate(object value, CultureInfo cultureInfo)
// Attempt to interpret the input value as a double.
if (double.TryParse(value as string, out double result))
return ValidationResult.ValidResult;
// Return an error if the value does not constitute a valid double.
return new ValidationResult(false, "The number format is invalid. Kindly input a valid decimal number.");
A detailed description of the above class
- The DoubleValidationRule class extends the ValidationRule class, thereby creating a specialized rule for validating user input.
- The validation method is redefined to incorporate particular validation logic. This method is invoked whenever the binding target, such as TextBox.Text, refreshes its source.
- Upon successful parsing, the method yields ValidationResult.ValidResult, signifying that the validation has been successfully completed.
Step 2. Utilize the ValidationRule within XAML.
<Window x:Class="WpfValidationExample.MainWindow"
Title="MainWindow" Height="450" Width="800">
<local:DoubleValidationRule x:Key="DoubleValidationRule" />
<ControlTemplate x:Key="ErrorTemplate">
<AdornedElementPlaceholder />
<TextBlock Foreground="Red" FontSize="12" Text="{Binding [0].ErrorContent}" />
<RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
<ColumnDefinition Width="Auto" />
<ColumnDefinition Width="Auto" />
<TextBlock Text="Double Value" Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="0" FontSize="20" Margin="0,10,0,0" />
<TextBox HorizontalAlignment="Center" Width="200" Height="40" Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="1" Margin="20,10,0,0">
<Binding Path="DoubleValue" UpdateSourceTrigger="PropertyChanged" ValidatesOnDataErrors="True" NotifyOnValidationError="True" StringFormat="F2">
<local:DoubleValidationRule />
<Style TargetType="TextBox">
<!-- In the event of a validation error, display the error template. -->
<Trigger Property="Validation.HasError" Value="True">
<Setter Property="ToolTip" Value="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}, Path=(Validation.Errors)[0].ErrorContent}" />
<Setter Property="BorderBrush" Value="Red" />
<Setter Property="Validation.ErrorTemplate" Value="{StaticResource ErrorTemplate}" />
<!-- Step 3: Validation errors can be displayed by applying a Style that emphasizes controls when validation is unsuccessful. For instance, consider incorporating an error template into the TextBox. -->
<local:DoubleValidationRule x:Key="DoubleValidationRule" />
<ControlTemplate x:Key="ErrorTemplate">
<AdornedElementPlaceholder />
<TextBlock Foreground="Red" FontSize="12" Text="{Binding [0].ErrorContent}" />
The above implementation is explained as follows.
- Create a custom ValidationRule by extending the ValidationRule class and overriding the Validate method.
- Implement the ValidationRule in XAML by including it in the ValidationRules collection of a Binding.
- Utilize styles or templates to visually indicate validation errors in the user interface, such as a red border or a tooltip displaying the error message.
Step 4. The results of the aforementioned implementation.