Enable instant messaging
Because you are using Sametime in a web browser, there are far fewer preferences that are available to you. This is because, in a web browser, you don't have the ability to control a rich Sametime client as you do when you're running within the Sametime Connect client. The web browser version of Sametime is meant to deliver a basic set of functionality that works regardless of what type of computer you're using.
The first thing you need to make sure of is that Sametime is enabled to run within iNotes. You do this by launching the iNotes preferences in the upper-right corner of your browser window:
When you click on the Preferences option, you'll see a list of iNotes preferences, one of which allows you to enable Instant Messaging.
After you select the Enable Instant messaging option, click on Save and Close. This saves the preference in your iNotes profile. At this point your screen will refresh and you'll notice a new twisty icon just below the toolbar above your name in the inbox.
In order to get Sametime started, click on the twisty icon and highlight the option to Log On To Instant Messaging. Once you're logged in you'll notice your awareness changes to Available.
If you have never launched Sametime in iNotes before, the browser has to load a Java application called STLinksApp to allow Sametime to work properly. You'll see the following warning box, and you click on Run to let the browser load the application and launch Sametime.
Be sure to select Always trust content from this publisher and Run. The wording for these options may vary slightly with the browser you are using. It is very important that you select this application to run. Some of the functionality we describe later may not work if it has not been installed. Check with your systems staff regarding your default browser settings and whether or not you have the system authority to run these types of Java applets.