Chapter 1: SQL Query Performance Tuning

Posted by Apress Free Book | SQL Server 2005/2008 January 26, 2010
Query performance tuning is an important part of today's database applications. Often you can achieve large savings in both time and money with proper query performance tuning

SQL Server Performance Killers

Let's now consider the major problem areas that can degrade SQL Server performance. By being aware of the main performance killers in SQL Server in advance, you will be able to focus your tuning efforts on the likely causes.

Once you have optimized the hardware, operating system, and SQL Server settings, the main performance killers in SQL Server are as follows, in a rough order (with the worst appearing

  • Poor indexing
  • Inaccurate statistics
  • Excessive blocking and deadlocks
  • Non-set-based operations, usually T-SQL cursors
  • Poor query design
  • Poor database design
  • Excessive fragmentation
  • Nonreusable execution plans
  • Poor execution plans, usually caused by parameter sniffing
  • Frequent recompilation of execution plans
  • Improper use of cursors
  • Improper configuration of the database log
  • Excessive use or improper configuration of tempdb

Let's take a quick look at each of these, before considering them in more depth in later chapters.

Poor Indexing

Poor indexing is usually one of the biggest performance killers in SQL Server. In the absence of proper indexing for a query, SQL Server has to retrieve and process much more data while executing the query. This causes high amounts of stress on the disk, memory, and CPU, increasing the query execution time significantly. Increased query execution time then leads to excessive blocking and deadlocks in SQL Server. You will learn how to determine the indexing strategies and resolve indexing problems in Chapters 4, 5, and 6.

Generally, indexes are considered to be the responsibility of the database administrator (DBA). However, the DBA cannot define how to use the indexes, since the use of indexes is determined by the database queries and stored procedures written by the developers. Therefore, defining the indexes must be a shared responsibility since the developers usually have more knowledge of the data to be retrieved and the DBAs have a better understanding of how indexes work. Indexes created without the knowledge of the queries serve little purpose.

Note Because indexes created without the knowledge of the queries serve little purpose, database developers need to understand indexes at least as well as they know T-SQL.

Inaccurate Statistics

SQL Server relies heavily on cost-based optimization, so accurate data-distribution statistics are extremely important for the effective use of indexes. Without accurate statistics, SQL Server's built-in query optimizer cannot accurately estimate the number of rows affected by a query. Because the amount of data to be retrieved from a table is highly important in deciding how to optimize the query execution, the query optimizer is much less effective if the data distribution statistics are not maintained accurately. You will look at how to analyze statistics in Chapter 7.

Excessive Blocking and Deadlocks

Because SQL Server is fully atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability (ACID) compliant, the database engine ensures that modifications made by concurrent transactions are properly isolated from one another. By default, a transaction sees the data either in the state before another concurrent transaction modified the data or after the other transaction completed-it does not see an intermediate state.

Because of this isolation, when multiple transactions try to access a common resource concurrently in a noncompatible way, blocking occurs in the database. A deadlock occurs when two resources attempt to escalate or expand locked resources and conflict with one another. The query engine determines which process is the least costly to roll back and chooses it as the deadlock victim. This requires that the database request be resubmitted for successful execution. The execution time of a query is adversely affected by the amount of blocking and deadlock it faces.

For scalable performance of a multiuser database application, properly controlling the isolation levels and transaction scopes of the queries to minimize blocking and deadlock is critical; otherwise, the execution time of the queries will increase significantly, even though the hardware resources may be highly underutilized. I cover this problem in depth in Chapters 12 and 13.

Non-Set-Based Operations

Transact-SQL is a set-based scripting language, which means it operates on sets of data. This forces you to think in terms of columns rather than in terms of rows. Non-set-based thinking leads to excessive use of cursors and loops rather than exploring more efficient joins and subqueries. The T-SQL language offers rich mechanisms for manipulating sets of data. For performance to shine, you need to take advantage of these mechanisms rather than trying to force a row-by-row approach to your code, which will kill performance. Examples of how to do this are available throughout the book; also, I address T-SQL best practices in Chapter 11 and cursors in Chapter 14.

Poor Query Design

The effectiveness of indexes depends entirely on the way you write SQL queries. Retrieving excessively large numbers of rows from a table, or specifying a filter criterion that returns a larger result set from a table than is required, renders the indexes ineffective. To improve performance, you must ensure that the SQL queries are written to make the best use of new or existing indexes. Failing to write cost-effective SQL queries may prevent SQL Server from choosing proper indexes, which increases query execution time and database blocking. Chapter 11 covers how to write effective queries.

Query design covers not only single queries but also sets of queries often used to implement database functionalities such as a queue management among queue readers and writers. Even when the performance of individual queries used in the design is fine, the overall performance of the database can be very poor. Resolving this kind of bottleneck requires a broad understanding of different characteristics of SQL Server, which can affect the performance of database functionalities. You will see how to design effective database functionality using SQL queries throughout the book.

Poor Database Design

A database should be adequately normalized to increase the performance of data retrieval and reduce blocking. For example, if you have an undernormalized database with customer and order information in the same table, then the customer information will be repeated in all the order rows of the customer. This repetition of information in every row will increase the I/Os required to fetch all the orders placed by a customer. At the same time, a data writer working on a customer's order will reserve all the rows that include the customer information and thus block all other data writers/data readers trying to access the customer profile.

Overnormalization of a database is as bad as undernormalization. Overnormalization increases the number and complexity of joins required to retrieve data. An overnormalized database contains a large number of tables with a very small number of columns.

Having too many joins in a query may also be because database entities have not been partitioned very distinctly or the query is serving a very complex set of requirements that could perhaps be better served by creating a new view or stored procedure.

Database design is a large subject. I will provide a few pointers in Chapter 18 and throughout the rest of the book. Because of the size of the topic, I won't be able to treat it in the complete manner it requires. However, if you want to read a book on database design, with an emphasis on introducing the subject, I recommend reading Data Modeling for Everyone by Sharon Allen (Apress, 2003).

Excessive Fragmentation

While analyzing data retrieval operations, you can usually assume that the data is organized in an orderly way, as indicated by the index used by the data retrieval operation. However, if the pages containing the data are fragmented in a nonorderly fashion or if they contain a small amount of data because of frequent page splits, then the number of read operations required by the data retrieval operation will be much higher than might otherwise be required. The increase in the number of read operations caused by fragmentation hurts query performance. In Chapter 8, you will learn how to analyze and remove fragmentation.

Nonreusable Execution Plans

To execute a query in an efficient way, SQL Server's query optimizer spends a fair amount of CPU cycles creating a cost-effective execution plan. The good news is that the plan is cached in memory, so you can reuse it once created. However, if the plan is designed so that you cannot plug variable values into it, SQL Server creates a new execution plan every time the same query is resubmitted with different variable values. So, for better performance, it is extremely important to submit SQL queries in forms that help SQL Server cache and reuse the execution plans. I will also address topics such as plan freezing, forcing query plans, and the problems associated with parameter sniffing. You will see in detail how to improve the reusability of execution plans in Chapter 9.

Poor Execution Plans

The same mechanisms that allow SQL Server to establish an efficient stored procedure and reuse that procedure again and again instead of recompiling can, in some cases, work against you. A bad execution plan can be a real performance killer. Bad plans are frequently caused by a process called parameter sniffing, which comes from the mechanisms that the query optimizer uses to determine the best plan based on statistics. It's important to understand how statistics and parameters combine to create execution plans and what you can do to control them. I cover statistics in depth in Chapter 7 and execution plan analysis in Chapter 9.

Frequent Recompilation of Execution Plans

One of the standard ways of ensuring a reusable execution plan, independent of variable values used in a query, is to use a stored procedure. Using a stored procedure to execute a set of SQL queries allows SQL Server to create a parameterized execution plan.

A parameterized execution plan is independent of the parameter values supplied during the execution of the stored procedure, and it is consequently highly reusable. However, the execution plan of the stored procedure can be reused only if SQL Server does not have to recompile the execution plan every time the stored procedure is run. Frequent recompilation of a stored procedure increases pressure on the CPU and the query execution time. SQL Server has partially addressed this problem with the addition of statement-level recompilation, but it's not a complete fix to the issue. I will discuss in detail the various causes and resolutions of stored procedure, and statement, recompilation in Chapter 10.

Improper Use of Cursors

By preferring a cursor-based (row-at-a-time) result set-or as Jeff Moden has so aptly termed it, Row By Agonizing Row (RBAR; pronounced "ree-bar")-instead of a regular set-based SQL query, you add a large amount of overhead on SQL Server. Use set-based queries whenever possible, but if you are forced to deal with cursors, be sure to use efficient cursor types such as fast-forward only. Excessive use of inefficient cursors increases stress on SQL Server resources, slowing down system performance. I discuss how to work with cursors, if you must, properly in Chapter 14.

Improper Configuration of the Database Log

By failing to follow the general recommendations in configuring a database log, you can adversely affect the performance of an Online Transaction Processing (OLTP)-based SQL Server database. For optimal performance, SQL Server heavily relies on accessing the database logs effectively.

Chapter 2 covers how to configure the database log properly.

Excessive Use or Improper Configuration of tempdb

There is only one tempdb for any SQL Server instance. Since temporary storage such as operations involving user objects such as temporary tables and table variables, system objects such as cursors or hash tables for joins, and operations such as sorts and row versioning all use the tempdb database, tempdb can become quite a bottleneck. All these options and others that you can use lead to space, I/O, and contention issues within tempdb. I cover some configuration options to help with this in Chapter 2 and other options in other chapters appropriate to the issues addressed by that chapter.

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