String Object Method In TypeScript: Part 6
Before reading this article, please go through the following articles:
The String object is used to manage a series of characters. A String object contains complete information about a string. In TypeScript, the String objects are created with "new String()".
In this article, I am describing the string object's "toLowerCase" method in the TypeScript.
toLoweCase() Method
In TypeScript, the toLowerCase() method returns a new string with all uppercase letters converted to lowercase. These methods have no parameters but don't forget to include the empty set of parentheses after the method name.
- toLowerCase() {
- var str = prompt("Please Enter String In Upper Case");
- var lowerstr = str.toLowerCase();
- var span = document.createElement("span");
- = "green";
- span.innerText = "toLowerCase Method \n String is-> " + str + "\n Converted In Lower Case string is-> " + lowerstr + "\n";
- document.body.appendChild(span);
- }
The following example shows how to use the toLowerCase method in TypeScript. In this example, we get the uppercase string from the user and this method returns a new string with all uppercase letters converted to lowercase.
Complete Program
- class toLowerCase {
- toLowerCase() {
- var str = prompt("Please Enter String In Upper Case");
- var lowerstr = str.toLowerCase();
- var span = document.createElement("span");
- = "green";
- span.innerText = "toLowerCase Method \n String is-> " + str + "\n Converted In Lower Case string is-> " + lowerstr + "\n";
- document.body.appendChild(span);
- }
- }
- window.onload = () => {
- var obj = new toLowerCase();
- obj.toLowerCase();
- };
- < !DOCTYPE html >
- <
- html lang = "en"
- xmlns = "" >
- <
- head >
- <
- meta charset = "utf-8" / >
- <
- title > TypeScript HTML App < /title>
- <
- link rel = "stylesheet"
- href = "app.css"
- type = "text/css" / >
- <
- script src = "toLowerCase.js" > < /script>
- <
- /head>
- <
- body >
- <
- h3 > toLowerCase() String Object Method In TypeScript < /h3>
- <
- div id = "content" / >
- <
- /body>
- <
- /html>
- var toLowerCase = (function() {
- function toLowerCase() {}
- toLowerCase.prototype.toLowerCase = function() {
- var str = prompt("Please Enter String In Upper Case");
- var lowerstr = str.toLowerCase();
- var span = document.createElement("span");
- = "green";
- span.innerText = "toLowerCase Method \n String is-> " + str + "\n Converted In Lower Case string is-> " + lowerstr + "\n";
- document.body.appendChild(span);
- };
- return toLowerCase;
- })();
- window.onload = function() {
- var obj = new toLowerCase();
- obj.toLowerCase();
- };
Output 1
Enter a string in uppercase and click on "Ok".
Output 2