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Using Find Instead of FirstOrDefault with Collections in C# .NET
Jul 15, 2024.
When working with collections in C# .NET, FirstOrDefault and Find serve similar purposes of retrieving elements based on conditions. FirstOrDefault is versatile for any IEnumerable<T>, while Find is optimized for List<T>, offering potentially better performance in list operations.
JavaScript – Prototypal Inheritance – Illustrated
Jul 12, 2024.
JavaScript – Prototypal Inheritance – Illustrated" is an in-depth guide that explores the concept of prototypal inheritance in JavaScript. This illustrated tutorial simplifies complex topics like object prototypes, prototype chains, and inheritance patterns.
Object Inheritance and Object Composition in Object Oriented Programming
Jul 12, 2024.
This content delves into two fundamental concepts of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP): object inheritance and object composition. It explores how inheritance enables class hierarchies and polymorphism, allowing for code reusability and extension.
JavaScript - Closures Demystified
Jul 10, 2024.
Function closures in JavaScript encapsulate variables from their defining scope, allowing functions to retain access to these variables even when executed outside that scope. This tutorial explores closures with practical examples, aimed at intermediate and advanced JavaScript developers seeking a deeper understanding of this powerful feature.
Interface Vs Abstract Class
Jul 10, 2024.
This article delves into the differences between interfaces and abstract classes in object-oriented programming. It explores their roles in languages like Java and C#, highlighting key concepts such as inheritance, polymorphism, and abstraction.
Understanding MapStruct in Spring Boot for Java Bean Mapping
Jul 09, 2024.
Explore MapStruct in Spring Boot for seamless Java Bean mapping. Discover how MapStruct simplifies object mapping between DTOs and entities, leveraging annotations for automated conversion.
Detailed explanation of Abstract Factory design pattern
Jul 08, 2024.
The Abstract Factory design pattern is a creational pattern that provides an interface for creating families of related or dependent objects without specifying their concrete classes.
Understanding Synonyms in SQL Server
Jul 08, 2024.
Understanding Synonyms in SQL Server" delves into the concept and implementation of synonyms within SQL Server. This guide covers how to create, use, and manage synonyms to simplify SQL queries, improve code readability, and streamline database administration.
Understanding LINQ While Writing Your Own
Jul 03, 2024.
LINQ (Language-Integrated Query) in .NET offers a unified, declarative way to query diverse data sources like objects, databases, XML, and more. It simplifies data manipulation with methods like Where, Select, and GroupBy, supporting both query and method syntax.
Mastering Nested Types in C#: Best Practices and Common Pitfalls
Jul 03, 2024.
Nested types in C# allow developers to define a type within another type, such as a class, struct, interface, enum, or delegate. This feature helps in organizing related types, encapsulating implementation details, and improving code readability.
How to use the Abstract Factory Pattern in C# with the Interface Pattern
Jul 03, 2024.
Learn how these design patterns improve flexibility, scalability, and maintainability in software development by exploring the Abstract Factory Pattern and Interface Pattern in C# with Ziggy Rafiq. Become proficient in object-oriented design by taking advantage of practical examples and implementing them step-by-step.
Understanding C# Records with Example
Jul 02, 2024.
This article delves into the syntax and usage of records, comparing them with classes, and demonstrates how records can simplify code while improving performance and maintainability in .NET applications.
Benefits of Locking and Unlocking Objects in C#
Jul 02, 2024.
Object locking in C# ensures controlled access to shared resources in multithreaded environments, preventing race conditions and maintaining data integrity. By using the lock statement, you can synchronize threads, ensuring thread safety and avoiding deadlocks.
Design Patterns and Advantages of Different Design Patterns
Jul 01, 2024.
Design patterns are recurring solutions to common problems in software design. They provide a template for solving issues in a particular context. The advantages of using different design patterns include improved code reusability, maintainability, and scalability.
Discards in Tuple and Object Deconstruction in C# .NET
Jul 01, 2024.
In C#, deconstruction allows you to extract values from tuples and objects into separate variables. It's a powerful feature that enhances readability and simplifies code when working with complex data structures. Discards, introduced in C# 7.0, further extend this capability by enabling you to ignore values that you don’t need during deconstruction.
Understanding Builder Design Pattern
Jul 01, 2024.
Discover the Builder Design Pattern, a creational pattern that separates the construction of a complex object from its representation. Learn how it simplifies object creation, especially for objects requiring numerous parameters.
Mastering LINQ: TakeWhile and SkipWhile in C# .NET
Jul 01, 2024.
Explore LINQ's TakeWhile and SkipWhile methods in C#, which enhance data querying by conditionally including or excluding elements based on predicates. Learn how to use these powerful methods to process collections effectively, with detailed examples demonstrating their functionality and practical applications.
Database Objects Related to Table in Database - Transact SQL Query
Jun 29, 2024.
The SQL query retrieves distinct object names and their types from SYSCOMMENTS and SYSOBJECTS system tables, categorizing objects by their XTYPE values ('P' for procedure, 'V' for view, 'TR' for trigger). It filters results containing 'table_name' in their definitions, providing insights into database object metadata.
Exploring Record Classes in Java
Jun 28, 2024.
Discover the simplicity and power of record classes in Java with our comprehensive guide. Explore how Java's record classes, introduced in Java 14, streamline the creation of immutable data structures.
Handling Middleware in Next.js
Jun 23, 2024.
Middleware in Next.js, introduced in version 12, allows code execution before a request is processed. Useful for authentication, logging, URL rewrites, and modifying headers, it runs on the Edge Network for speed. Defined in _middleware.js or _middleware.ts, it enhances request handling and response management efficiently.
Methods and Properties in C#
Jun 23, 2024.
In C#, methods and properties are fundamental constructs used to define the behavior and state of objects. Understanding how to create and use methods and properties is essential for effective C# programming.
Optimizing LINQ Queries in C# and .NET Core Web APIs
Jun 21, 2024.
LINQ in C# optimizes data querying with readable syntax, but inefficient use can impact .NET Core Web API performance. Strategies like early filtering and selective projections enhance efficiency. Deferred execution via IQueryable delays query execution, optimizing database interactions.
Lazy Loading (4): EntityFramework
Jun 21, 2024.
This article will discuss lazy loading in Entity Framework. This article series explores Lazy Loading, focusing on its application in various technologies like LINQ, HTML, JavaScript, Entity Framework, and Angular, providing insights and performance considerations.
LINQ vs PLINQ Method Syntax for Efficient C# .NET Data Processing
Jun 17, 2024.
LINQ (Language Integrated Query) and PLINQ (Parallel LINQ) are .NET frameworks for querying data. LINQ offers a declarative syntax for querying various data sources with single-threaded execution, while PLINQ extends LINQ by enabling parallel execution.
Overloading vs Overriding in Java
Jun 12, 2024.
Method overloading and overriding in Java, essential OOP concepts for code reusability and polymorphism. Overloading allows multiple methods with the same name but different parameters while overriding lets subclasses provide specific implementations of superclass methods and maintainability.
C# Comparison Fundamentals: Best Practices and Tips
Jun 11, 2024.
Comparison operations are a fundamental aspect of programming in C#. Whether you're comparing primitive types, strings, or objects, or handling null values, understanding the nuances of comparison can enhance both the performance and readability of your code.
Null Object Design Pattern in .NET Core
Jun 07, 2024.
A behavioral design pattern called the Null Object Pattern offers an object to represent an interface's missing object. In cases when a null object would result in a null reference exception, it's a means to provide an alternative behavior.
Understanding Single, SingleOrDefault, First, and FirstOrDefault in LINQ .NET C#
Jun 07, 2024.
LINQ (Language Integrated Query) provides powerful querying capabilities in C# to manipulate data collections. Among its arsenal of operators, Single, SingleOrDefault, First, and FirstOrDefault are frequently used to retrieve elements from sequences.
Understanding the document.ready Method in jQuery
Jun 04, 2024.
The document.ready method in jQuery ensures your code runs only after the DOM is fully loaded. This method simplifies event binding, DOM manipulation, and enhances cross-browser compatibility. Learn how $(document).ready() works, its syntax, best practices, common pitfalls, and modern JavaScript alternatives.
Understanding SOLID Principles in .NET Core
Jun 02, 2024.
SOLID principles are a set of five design principles in object-oriented programming that aim to make software designs more understandable, flexible, and maintainable. In this blog post, we’ll explore each SOLID principle in detail with examples implemented in .NET Core.
Lazy Loading (2): HTML
May 29, 2024.
This series explores Lazy Loading within the LINQ category, focusing on dynamically loading images in HTML to enhance page load times, featuring code examples and demos for practical application.
LINQ Query Syntax vs Method Syntax in Entity Framework
May 29, 2024.
Choosing between LINQ Query Syntax and Method Syntax in Entity Framework depends on various factors. Query Syntax often resembles SQL, making it more intuitive for those with SQL background, while Method Syntax offers more flexibility with lambda expressions and method chaining.
Finding Duplicates in JavaScript Arrays
May 28, 2024.
Discover methods to identify duplicates in JavaScript arrays. Learn to use the Set object for unique values, indexOf() for locating repeated items, and some() for condition checks. Examples illustrate each technique, helping you effectively manage duplicates in your code.
DOM vs VDOM Differences and Impact on Modern Web Development
May 28, 2024.
The DOM, introduced in the 1990s, structures web documents as a tree for dynamic manipulation, while the VDOM, popularized by React in 2013, optimizes performance by efficiently updating the UI.
Understanding Reflection in C#
May 28, 2024.
Reflection in C# allows runtime inspection and interaction with object types and members, enabling dynamic invocation, type inspection, and metadata access. It's powerful for development tools and debugging utilities.
Understanding the Document Object Model (DOM)
May 27, 2024.
The Document Object Model (DOM) is a programming interface for web documents, representing the structure as a tree of objects, enabling dynamic content manipulation and interaction in web pages.
Multiple OrderBy Operations in Entity Framework
May 27, 2024.
Entity Framework (EF) is a powerful ORM (Object-Relational Mapper) in .NET that allows developers to work with databases using .NET objects. In EF, this can be achieved using OrderBy, ThenBy, OrderByDescending, and ThenByDescending methods in LINQ queries.
Layering Objects using Selection Pane
May 25, 2024.
The "Layering Objects using Selection Pane" tutorial guides users on how to efficiently organize and manage objects in PowerPoint presentations. Learn to control the visibility, order, and arrangement of elements, enhancing your design workflow.
How to Combine Multiple Inline Style Objects in ReactJS
May 24, 2024.
In React, merging multiple inline style objects is essential for flexible styling. Techniques like object spread, Object.assign, array reduce, Lodash merge, conditional merging, and functional style merging offer versatility in styling solutions.
Understanding Equals Method and == Operator in Java
May 24, 2024.
In Java, the Equals method compares the content of objects for equality, while the == operator checks if they refer to the same memory location. Understanding their distinction is crucial for accurate comparison of objects and primitives, ensuring correct behavior in Java applications.
Count vs. Any in Entity Framework for Efficient Querying in .NET
May 24, 2024.
Entity Framework (EF) is a powerful Object-Relational Mapper (ORM) for .NET, allowing developers to interact with databases using .NET objects. When working with EF, it's crucial to write efficient queries to ensure optimal performance.
Explain BLOB Datatypes in MySQL
May 24, 2024.
MySQL BLOB datatypes store large binary objects, like images or documents. They offer efficient storage for multimedia files and other binary data in MySQL databases, enabling seamless handling of diverse content types within applications.
Data Pagination with Extension Methods in C#
May 20, 2024.
Pagination is a common technique used to manage and display data in chunks. This article discusses implementing pagination in C# using extension methods, which allow adding new functionality to existing types without modifying their source code, making data handling clean and reusable.
Programming in Practice - Structural Data
May 19, 2024.
In object-oriented programming, the basic way to create structural data is to define custom types and interconnect them using references. Let's analyze this case using sample code in the context of intentionally programmed relationships between items.
Understanding the SOLID Principles in Object-Oriented Design
May 18, 2024.
The SOLID principles are five foundational design guidelines proposed by Robert C. Martin to create maintainable, flexible, and understandable object-oriented software, aiding in adaptability and ease of extension.
Facade Design Pattern In Dart/Flutter
May 16, 2024.
Explore the Facade Design Pattern, a GoF design pattern that simplifies interactions with complex systems. Learn its definition, when to use it, and how to implement it in Dart/Flutter with a practical hotel operation scenario.
Decorator Design Pattern In Dart/Flutter
May 16, 2024.
Decorator Design Pattern in Dart/Flutter, a flexible and reusable solution for extending functionality in object-oriented software. Learn through real-world examples, understand when to use it, and be aware of potential pitfalls. Ideal for developers looking to enhance modularity and readability in their code.
Object Detection using Azure Cognitive Service and .NET
May 15, 2024.
Learn how to implement object detection using Azure Cognitive Services and .NET. Harness the power of computer vision and machine learning to analyze images, identify objects, and integrate with custom vision models.
Feature of Computer Vision Workloads on Azure
May 14, 2024.
In this article, we will explore the features of computer vision workloads on Azure, exploring key tasks such as image classification, object detection, semantic segmentation, optical character recognition (OCR), facial detection, and recognition, accompanied by illustrative examples.
What are Classes in Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
May 08, 2024.
Classes in OOP serve as blueprints for creating objects. They encapsulate data and behavior, promoting modularity and code reuse through inheritance and polymorphism, essential for building scalable and maintainable software systems.
Unlocking Performance: Exploring PLINQ in .NET C#
May 08, 2024.
In today's computing landscape, where multi-core processors are ubiquitous, optimizing the performance of your applications often involves leveraging parallelism. One powerful tool in the .NET developer's arsenal for achieving parallelism is PLINQ - Parallel Language-Integrated Query.
Creating Immutable Objects in C# with Examples
May 07, 2024.
This article explores the concept of immutability in C#, highlighting its benefits and implementation techniques. It covers creating immutable objects using read-only properties, readonly fields, and returning new instances in methods, along with the pros and cons of immutability.
Programming in Practice - LINQ Expression
May 06, 2024.
An impression can be made that: data is data, and it doesn't matter where it comes from provided it is reliable. The LINQ technology is presented to fetch the necessary data from any available source. After reading the full story forget about ChatGPT and MSDN in the context of LINQ to make your life easier.
Database Connectivity in Visual Studio
May 03, 2024.
Visual Studio facilitates robust database connectivity through technologies like ADO.NET and Entity Framework. Developers can seamlessly integrate with SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, and more using connection strings and data source management tools.
Single, SingleOrDefault, First, and FirstOrDefault in Linq .NET C#
Apr 30, 2024.
LINQ's element operators like Single, SingleOrDefault, First, FirstOrDefault, Last, and LastOrDefault provide specific functionalities for retrieving elements from collections in C#. Here's how to use them effectively.
Exploring Interface and Abstract Class in C# Programming
Apr 30, 2024.
In C#, both interfaces and abstract classes are powerful tools for designing flexible and reusable code. Let's delve into the concepts of interface and abstract class, explore their differences, and see examples of how they are used.
Entity Framework Core: Features, Real-time Implementation, Best Practices
Apr 29, 2024.
Entity Framework Core (EF Core) stands as a powerful toolset for .NET developers, streamlining the interaction between applications and databases through object-relational mapping (ORM). Whether adopting a database-first or code-first approach, EF Core simplifies data access and manipulation.
The Built-in Date Object in JavaScript
Apr 29, 2024.
JavaScript's Date object simplifies date and time handling in applications. Learn how to create, manipulate, format dates, handle timezones, and perform operations for dynamic web experiences.
Explain Lambda Functions in .NET C#
Apr 26, 2024.
In the realm of .NET programming, lambda functions represent a powerful and concise way to define anonymous methods or functions. In this article, we'll explore the fundamentals of lambda functions in .NET, understand their syntax and usage, and uncover their practical applications in real-world scenarios.
Adapter Design Pattern In Flutter
Apr 25, 2024.
Explore the Adapter Design Pattern, a popular structural design pattern in software development. Learn its definition, real-world examples, appropriate use cases, potential pitfalls, and more.
What is Closure in Python & its Use Cases?
Apr 25, 2024.
Python closer is not a built-in function or concept. However, in programming parlance, a closer typically refers to a function that captures and remembers its surrounding state (including local variables) when it is defined, allowing it to access and manipulate that state even after the surrounding scope has exited.
C# Programming: Language Fundamentals, OOP, Async, LINQ
Apr 25, 2024.
This guide provides a thorough exploration of the C# language, covering essential topics such as language fundamentals, object-oriented programming concepts, asynchronous programming, and Language Integrated Query (LINQ).
LINQ in C#: Knowing When to Use First() vs FirstOrDefault()
Apr 24, 2024.
LINQ, a cornerstone of C#, empowers developers to query data across various sources efficiently. This guide delves into the nuanced differences between First() and FirstOrDefault(), aiding in crafting resilient and optimized code.
Building Scalable Applications with Alibaba Cloud Serverless Computing
Apr 18, 2024.
This article guides setting up serverless architecture on Alibaba Cloud, configuring Object Storage Service, ApsaraDB for MongoDB, and Function Compute.
Difference Between Class and Struct in C#
Apr 15, 2024.
Struct and Class in C# are integral components for creating and managing objects, but they differ in fundamental ways. Understanding the difference between struct and class in C# empowers developers to make informed decisions, optimizing their code for specific requirements and use cases.
New LINQ Methods in .NET 9 Preview
Apr 14, 2024.
While the release of .NET 9 is planned for November 2024, the preview version is already available. One of the new .NET 9 features is the new LINQ methods: CountBy, AggregateBy, and Index. In this article, I present how to use these methods.
What is Object Mapping in .NET and AutoMapper ?
Apr 10, 2024.
Object mapping plays a crucial role in modern software development, particularly in .NET applications where data transformation between different layers is a common requirement.
What is Record Keyword/Function in C#?
Apr 03, 2024.
Records introduced in C# 9.0 represent a significant enhancement to the language's capability for handling data. This article aims to explore records in-depth, covering their syntax, features, and usage through illustrative examples.
Functional programming in C# - Introduction
Apr 02, 2024.
Lets learn the concept of functional programming, its usage and why functional programming is important
User Defined Objects in JavaScript
Mar 29, 2024.
JavaScript provides a number of pre-defined objects like Array, String, Image, Date etc. which are very useful in web development.
What is Language Integrated Query in C#?
Mar 29, 2024.
Know about LINQ (Language Integrated Query) in C# and their benefits. In this article, we have explained LINQ with an example.
Exploring .NET 6's MinBy() and MaxBy() Extension Methods
Mar 22, 2024.
In this article, I will demonstrate the exciting new additions to LINQ extension methods introduced in.NET 6: MinBy() and MaxBy(). Let's explore how these powerful methods simplify code, providing efficient solutions for selecting extreme values within a generic sequence.
How to Learn About Amazon S3
Mar 22, 2024.
Amazon S3, an AWS service, provides secure, scalable object storage with high durability and availability. Key features include lifecycle policies, versioning, and security measures. Practical applications range from data backup to content delivery.
Introduction to 3D Object Control in Power Apps
Mar 21, 2024.
Introduction to 3D Object Control in Power Apps explores integrating 3D objects into user interfaces. Learn how to manipulate objects, design interactions, and enhance user experiences using Power Apps' visual programming capabilities for augmented and virtual reality applications.
Singleton Design Pattern In Flutter
Mar 20, 2024.
Learn how and when to use Singletons, implement them effectively, and explore their advantages and limitations. This article also includes a sample implementation using the shared_preferences package to manage user preferences.
Decorator Pattern in C# - 3 versions
Mar 20, 2024.
In this article, we will explore the versatile Decorator Pattern in C#, presented in 3 different versions. Enhance your understanding of object-oriented design with this powerful pattern, offering flexible ways to add functionality to objects dynamically.
.NET internals: Learning Object-Oriented .NET IL
Mar 19, 2024.
.NET IL, or Intermediate Language, serves as a bridge between high-level programming languages and machine code. This article delves into object-oriented .NET IL concepts with detailed explanations and code examples.
Sort Array Directive in Vue.js
Mar 13, 2024.
Custom directives in Vue.js empower developers to extend HTML elements' functionality, enabling direct manipulation of the Document Object Model (DOM) within Vue applications. This example demonstrates creating a directive to sort an array based on a specific property.
Abstract Factory Design Pattern In Flutter
Mar 12, 2024.
Learn about the Abstract Factory design pattern in Flutter for creating platform-specific widgets. This pattern centralizes the creation of related objects, making it easier to manage and work with multiple factory methods.
JavaScript WeakMap in ES8 and TypeScript
Mar 11, 2024.
WeakMap object stands out as a specialized entity, closely related to the Map object but with a unique twist. In this article, we'll unravel the syntax, characteristics, and methods of the JavaScript WeakMap, shedding light on its applications. How to harness its capabilities in ES8 and TypeScript.
Misconceptions About the Four LINQ methods
Mar 09, 2024.
Misconceptions about the four LINQ methods. Single(), SingleOrDefault(), First(), and FirstOrDefault(). This article addresses misconceptions surrounding four LINQ methods—Single(), SingleOrDefault(), First(), and FirstOrDefault(). Clarifying differences and potential pitfalls helps prevent null references and invalid operator exceptions in code.
Leveraging Compiled Queries for Enhanced Performance in LINQ
Mar 09, 2024.
Compiled queries in LINQ allow developers to pre-compile LINQ queries into executable delegates, reducing the overhead of query compilation and optimization. By caching the compiled query execution plan, compiled queries improve the performance of frequently executed or complex queries in C# applications.
Factory Method Design Pattern In Flutter
Mar 06, 2024.
Factory Method design pattern! Learn how to create objects dynamically, improve code flexibility, and build platform-specific UIs (like buttons) with ease. Explore a practical payment gateway example and overcome common challenges.
A Guide To Crafting Immutable Objects With C# 10's Init-Only Properties
Mar 06, 2024.
Discover how C# 10's init-only properties empower developers to craft immutable objects with precision, enhancing code readability and maintainability. In this article, Ziggy Rafiq demonstrates how you can use this powerful feature to create robust and predictable software.
A simplified approach to serializing and deserializing objects in C# 10
Mar 04, 2024.
This comprehensive guide teaches how to streamline data interchange processes efficiently using C# 10 Records. Authored by Ziggy Rafiq.
What is New in .NET 9
Mar 04, 2024.
.NET 9, succeeding .NET 8, places particular emphasis on cloud-native applications and enhancing performance. It will receive standard-term support (STS) for 18 months.
Mastering Object Creation in C#
Mar 04, 2024.
Learn to create objects in C# step-by-step. Define classes, instantiate objects, access members, use constructors, and explore static constructors—master object creation for robust C# applications.
Introduction to Design Patterns in Flutter
Mar 02, 2024.
Explore the importance of design patterns in software development. Learn about different types of patterns, their benefits, and how they can improve code efficiency, readability, and maintainability. Ideal for developers seeking to enhance their coding practices.
Why we should learn C#?
Feb 26, 2024.
This article explores the reasons behind choosing C# over other languages, delving into its evolution, key features like object orientation, lambda expressions, LINQ, generics, and its adaptability for modern development needs.
Learn about Reflection in C#
Feb 13, 2024.
Reflection is a powerful feature in C# that enables you to inspect and interact with types, assemblies, and objects at runtime. It provides a way to dynamically discover and use information about types, invoke methods, and access fields and properties.
Polymorphism Concept in Object-Oriented Programming
Feb 12, 2024.
What do you mean by polymorphism? Polymorphism is explained with C# examples, Polymorphism, a concept extending beyond programming, is illustrated in everyday scenarios. Electrical outlets serve as an analogy, supporting diverse devices—an example of polymorphism manifesting in real life.
What is Memento Pattern in C#?
Feb 09, 2024.
In this article, we will learn aboutThe Memento Pattern in C# enables capturing and restoring an object's state. It's crucial for implementing undo/redo functionalities and managing state changes efficiently in object-oriented systems, enhancing code maintainability and flexibility.
Override Basic Object of Python
Feb 06, 2024.
This article introduces the concept of overriding methods in Python, focusing on the str and repr methods of the base object class. It explains how developers can customize the output when printing objects by overriding these methods.
Understanding the Factory Pattern in .NET Core
Feb 06, 2024.
Explore the power of the Factory Pattern in software design, a creational pattern enhancing flexibility. Delve into a real-world example using .NET Core for a car manufacturing system.
Understanding "obj" and "bin" Directories in ASP.NET Core Web API
Feb 05, 2024.
These directories are needed because the C# compiler and linker require intermediate files to be generated during the build process to produce the final output file. The "obj" directory contains these intermediate files, which are needed to link and optimize the final executable or library file.
JavaScript Destructuring: Arrays, Functions, and Objects
Jan 31, 2024.
Destructuring is a powerful feature in JavaScript that allows you to extract values from arrays, objects, and function parameters easily.
What Are Primary Constructors in C# 12?
Jan 31, 2024.
C# 12 has a number of new features, one of which is Primary Constructors, which offer a simplified and more concise method of constructing objects in C#.
Set Object in ES7 and TypeScript
Jan 16, 2024.
The JavaScript Set object is a versatile tool for managing collections with unique values, accommodating various data types, including both primitive values and object references. In this article, we'll dive into the capabilities of the Set object in ES7 (ECMAScript 2016) and explore its usage in TypeScript.
JavaScript Map Object in ES7 and TypeScript
Jan 16, 2024.
The JavaScript Map object is a versatile tool for mapping keys to values, offering efficient operations for searching, updating, and deleting elements based on specified keys. In this article, we will explore the capabilities of the Map object in ES7 (ECMAScript 2016) and delve into its application in TypeScript.
WeakSet Object in ES7 and TypeScript
Jan 16, 2024.
The WeakSet object emerges as a unique entity designed specifically for storing weakly held objects. Unlike its counterpart, Set, WeakSet exclusively deals with objects, offering distinct advantages. This article delves into the intricacies of the JavaScript WeakSet object.
About LINQ-to-Object