  • Understanding Adapter Design PatternAug 16, 2024. The Adapter Design Pattern is a structural pattern that allows incompatible interfaces to work together. It acts as a bridge between two incompatible interfaces by converting the interface of a class into another interface clients expect.
  • How to Implement Memcached in C# ASP.NET MVC Project?Jul 19, 2024. Learn how to enhance performance in a C# ASP.NET MVC project using Memcached. This guide covers installing Memcached, integrating it with your application, and implementing caching to improve response times and reduce database load.
  • Using .NET Standard in Cross-Platform DevelopmentJul 17, 2024. In today's diverse technological landscape, developing applications that run across multiple platforms is crucial. .NET Standard plays a pivotal role in achieving this goal by providing a consistent set of APIs that can be used across different .NET implementations.
  • Soft Deletes with EF CoreJul 16, 2024. Learn how to implement soft deletes using EF Core in your ASP.NET Core applications. This guide covers the soft deletion pattern, ensuring data integrity while keeping historical records.
  • Dependency Injection in ASP.NET CoreJul 16, 2024. Dependency Injection (DI) in ASP.NET Core enhances modularity, testability, and maintainability by providing class dependencies externally via the built-in Inversion of Control (IoC) container. Configure services in Startup.cs, utilize constructor injection in controllers, and choose appropriate lifetimes (Transient, Scoped, Singleton).
  • Real-time Web Applications with SignalRJul 16, 2024. SignalR, a Microsoft library for .NET applications, enables real-time web functionality by allowing server-side code to push updates to connected clients instantly. It abstracts complexities of communication protocols, and supports multiple transport mechanisms like WebSockets and SSE.
  • Master Global Exception Handling with IExceptionHandler in .NETJul 16, 2024. Global exception handling in .NET with IExceptionHandler centralizes error management, ensuring consistent responses and improved logging. Our Global Exception Handler Middleware catches exceptions globally, enhancing user experience and maintainability.
  • Authentication and Authorization in ASP.NET CoreJul 16, 2024. Learn about implementing robust security in ASP.NET Core with a focus on authentication and authorization. This guide covers ASP.NET Core Identity, claims-based and role-based authorization, JWT, OAuth, OpenID Connect, and best practices for securing web applications and APIs.
  • Building RESTful APIs with ASP.NET CoreJul 16, 2024. In today's interconnected digital landscape, creating robust and efficient APIs is crucial for enabling seamless communication between applications. ASP.NET Core, the open-source framework from Microsoft, provides a powerful platform for developing RESTful APIs with ease.
  • Hangfire: Simplifying Background Job ProcessingJul 16, 2024. Discover how Hangfire simplifies background job processing in ASP.NET applications. Learn about its robust features for task scheduling, job management, and asynchronous job execution.
  • Single Sign-On (SSO) in ASP.NET Core ApplicationsJul 15, 2024. Implementing Single Sign-On (SSO) with IdentityServer4 in ASP.NET Core simplifies user authentication across applications, enhancing security and user experience. Centralized authentication and token-based authorization streamline management and improve overall system security, making it ideal for modern web applications.
  • Working with Entity Framework CoreJul 15, 2024. Entity Framework Core (EF Core) is a powerful Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) framework provided by Microsoft for .NET applications. It simplifies data access and persistence by allowing developers to work with databases using .NET objects, thus abstracting away the complexity of database interactions.
  • Performance Optimization in .NET CoreJul 15, 2024. Discover essential techniques for performance optimization in .NET Core with this comprehensive guide. Learn best practices for code efficiency, resource management, and system optimization to enhance application performance.
  • Understanding Multitasking and Multithreading in ASP.NET and .NET CoreJul 12, 2024. Learn about multitasking and multithreading in ASP.NET and .NET Core. Discover how async/await keywords enhance responsiveness, manage concurrent operations efficiently, and handle IO-bound tasks. Explore real-world examples and differences between these techniques for optimized application performance.
  • Integrating an Online Payment Gateway in ASP.NET using ADO.NETJul 10, 2024. Integrating an online payment gateway in ASP.NET using ADO.NET involves setting up a payment gateway account, creating an HTML form to collect payment details, redirecting to the payment gateway for processing, handling the payment response, and updating the database. Ensure security, validate responses, and test thoroughly.
  • Implementing Global Search with Detailed Views in ASP.NET Core MVCJul 10, 2024. Learn how to implement a robust global search feature in ASP.NET Core MVC. This tutorial covers setting up models like Product and Category, configuring the database with Entity Framework, seeding initial data, creating a search service for querying both products and categories, and developing responsive views with detailed information.
  • How to Implement Multi Factor Authentication Using Authenticator App in ASP.NET MVC Project?Jul 08, 2024. Enhance your ASP.NET MVC project's security with multi-factor authentication (MFA) using an authenticator app. This guide provides step-by-step instructions for setting up your project, configuring authentication keys, creating necessary models and controllers, and generating QR codes to implement a robust MFA system.
  • Setting Up Google Authentication in ASP.NET Core MVCJul 08, 2024. Integrate Google Authentication into your ASP.NET Core MVC application for secure and easy user login. Follow steps to create a project in Visual Studio, configure Google API Console, install necessary NuGet packages, update Startup. cs, and handle user authentication and profile management seamlessly.
  • Implementing MongoDB with .NETJul 08, 2024. Learn to implement CRUD operations, manage data efficiently, and leverage the power of MongoDB's NoSQL capabilities alongside the robust .NET framework for scalable backend development.
  • Getting Started with Docker-Compose for ASP.NET Core and MSSQLJul 04, 2024. This article guides you through setting up a Docker Compose environment for an ASP.NET Core application and an MSSQL database, covering creation, configuration, and verification steps for efficient containerized development.
  • AngularJS: Numbers Text Validation and cbTooltip in ASP.NETJul 04, 2024. "In AngularJs applications, custom directives like allowOnlyNumber and allowOnlyText ensure input validation for numeric and text data, enhancing user interaction. Implementing cbTooltip with Bootstrap enriches UX by providing tooltips.
  • How To Create Sorting And Paging In ASP.NET Web Forms GridView Jul 04, 2024. Learn how to enable sorting and paging in an ASP.NET GridView by configuring properties, handling events, and binding data using C# code examples and best practices for efficient data display.
  • Managing CRUD Operations in ASP.NET MVC with Razor and C#Jul 03, 2024. Learn how to implement CRUD operations in an ASP.NET MVC application using Razor views and C#. This guide covers creating, reading, updating, and deleting records, with detailed controller actions and views for managing data efficiently.
  • Types of Blazor Components Routable Non-Routable Templated DynamicJul 03, 2024. At the heart of Blazor applications are components, which encapsulate UI and logic, making it easier to build and maintain large web applications. In this article, we'll explore four types of components in Blazor.Routable ComponentsNon-Routable ComponentsTemplated ComponentsDynamic Components
  • Sending Email Using Gmail Server in ASP.NET Core MVCJul 01, 2024. Learn how to integrate the Gmail server for sending emails in ASP.NET Core MVC using MailKit. This tutorial covers setting up SMTP configuration, handling email templates, and sending messages programmatically.
  • Implementing Cascading Dropdowns in ASP.NET MVC Using jQuery AJAXJun 28, 2024. create a cascading dropdown functionality where the selection of a "Brand" in the first dropdown (BrandId) should dynamically populate the options in the second dropdown (BrandlistId). However, there are some issues and potential improvements that need to be addressed to ensure correct functionality.
  • Creating Dynamic Dropdown Lists in ASP.NET MVCJun 28, 2024. Dropdown lists, or <select> elements, are essential in web forms, enabling users to choose from a predefined list of options. They enhance user experience by simplifying input selection and ensuring data consistency.
  • Behind the Scenes of OWIN (Open Web Interface for .NET)Jun 26, 2024. OWIN is the acronym of Open Web Interface for .NET and it is a specification that provides to decouple web servers with web applications. This specification is an also open standard for all .NET ecosystems.
  • Understanding Managing Sessions in .NETJun 25, 2024. Sessions in web development persist user data across requests despite HTTP's stateless nature. This article details sessions in .NET, showing initialization, data storage, and termination. It explains enabling sessions in ASP.NET Core, setting session data, and session benefits like state management and security.
  • Understanding Dependency Injection in ASP.NET Core Web APIJun 24, 2024. Dependency Injection (DI) is a design pattern used to achieve Inversion of Control (IoC) between classes and their dependencies. In ASP.NET Core, DI is a fundamental part of the framework, making it easier to manage dependencies and improve the modularity, testability, and maintainability of your applications.
  • Integrating Third-Party API Using AJAX in ASP.NET Core MVC Jun 23, 2024. Integrating third-party APIs into your web application enhances functionality by accessing external data and services. This article demonstrates integrating an API using AJAX in an ASP.NET Core Razor Pages app. It covers project setup, form design, making AJAX calls, and dynamically displaying data in a Bootstrap table.
  • Real-time Applications with SignalR and AngularJun 21, 2024. Building real-time applications with SignalR and Angular enhances user experiences through dynamic and responsive interfaces. SignalR, an ASP.NET library, enables instant server-client communication.
  • Overview of .NET 9 Preview: New Features and UpdatesJun 19, 2024. Explore the .NET 9 preview with an in-depth overview of its new features and updates. Discover the latest enhancements, performance improvements, and innovations that this release brings to developers.
  • How To Connect Database in ASP.NET MVC using C# with ADO.NETJun 17, 2024. Learn how to integrate SQL Server with your MVC application, configure connection strings, and perform CRUD operations. Ideal for developers seeking to enhance their data access techniques in ASP.NET.
  • Mastering Azure Blob Storage with ASP.NET Core MVCJun 16, 2024. Azure Blob Storage offers scalable, cost-effective storage for unstructured data like images and documents. Integrated seamlessly with ASP.NET Core MVC, it provides secure uploads, downloads, and management of data, enhancing web applications with robust storage solutions and efficient data handling capabilities.
  • Performance Optimization in ASP.NET MVC ApplicationsJun 15, 2024. Performance optimization in ASP.NET MVC involves techniques like efficient data access, using Entity Framework wisely, implementing caching, using async/await for non-blocking operations, minimizing ViewState, bundling and minifying resources, enabling GZIP compression, optimizing queries.
  • Preventing CSRF Attacks in an ASP.NET Core MVC Jun 13, 2024. Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) is a type of attack that can force a user's browser to send unwanted requests to a web application on which the user is authenticated, potentially leading to unintended actions on the user's behalf.
  • Understanding CRUD Operation in BlazorJun 13, 2024. Explore Blazor Server and WebAssembly models, integrate Entity Framework Core for data management, utilize Razor Components for UI design, and understand data binding in Blazor for seamless interaction.
  • How to use Embedded BI and Create Self-serviced Dashboards in ASP.NET Core AppJun 12, 2024. Learn how to integrate Embedded BI into your ASP.NET Core application, empowering users to create self-service dashboards. Discover powerful data visualization and reporting tools to enhance decision-making.
  • Preventing XSS Attacks in ASP.NET Core MVCJun 12, 2024. Build a secure ASP.NET Core MVC blog app with Entity Framework Core. Follow steps to create models, controllers, views, and implement client-side validation and sanitization to thwart XSS attacks. Access the GitHub project for code reference and ensure your application is protected against common vulnerabilities.
  • Oracle Stored Procedure Output Parameters with Dapper in ASP.NET CoreJun 11, 2024. This article provides a detailed guide to integrating Oracle stored procedures with ASP.NET Core using Dapper, focusing on handling output parameters, which can often be a challenging aspect of database interactions.
  • Implementing Model Binding in ASP.NET Core Web APIJun 10, 2024. Model binding in ASP.NET Core automates the conversion of HTTP request data into .NET objects, simplifying data transfer between client-side requests and server-side code. It supports various data sources such as query strings, form data, route parameters, JSON payloads, and custom binders, enhancing API development efficiency.
  • Controller Action Result (2), in ASP.NET (Core) MVCJun 10, 2024. This article is a following up for the previous article, Controller Action Result (1), in ASP.NET MVC to cover the situation of ASP.NET Core MVC. This article actually has the same conclusion as previous one, with emphasis to Core situation.
  • Mastering Azure Cosmos DB with ASP.NET CoreJun 10, 2024. Azure Cosmos DB is a robust and flexible database service that offers global distribution, high availability, and multi-model support. While it comes with some complexity and cost considerations, its benefits for large-scale, globally distributed applications are significant. Integrating it with an ASP.NET Core MVC application is straightforward, allowing developers to build scalable and responsive applications with ease.
  • ASP.NET Core : Basics And Its FeaturesJun 07, 2024. ASP.NET Core is a cross-platform, high-performance framework for building modern web applications. It offers robust features such as MVC architecture, dependency injection, and built-in security.
  • Innovative Solutions with .NET: Enhancing Your Developer ToolkitJun 07, 2024. Master current technologies and enhance your toolkit with .NET, a powerful framework by Microsoft. Explore cross-platform development with .NET Core, build modern web apps with ASP.NET Core, boost productivity with Visual Studio, embrace Azure cloud services, integrate AI with ML.NET, and ensure security.
  • Mastering ASP.NET Core Identity in ASP.NET Core MVCJun 06, 2024. ASP.NET Core Identity is a comprehensive membership system for adding login functionality to your ASP.NET Core applications. It provides a robust framework for managing users, passwords, roles, claims, tokens, email confirmation, and more.
  • Additional Tokenizer Support in ML.NETJun 03, 2024. Tokenization is a fundamental component in the preprocessing of natural language text for AI models. Tokenizers are responsible for breaking down a string of text into smaller, often referred to as tokens. The process is crucial for understanding costs and managing context when using services like Azure OpenAI.
  • Unique ID Generator Xid.NET in .NET CoreMay 31, 2024. A globally unique ID generator library called Xid.Net is prepared for safe and direct usage in your code. It offers an interface akin to that of the System.Guid produces lesser ids (12 bytes compared to 16 in raw format, 20 compared to 36 when translated to a string).
  • Securing ASP.NET Core APIs with Identity and JWTMay 30, 2024. In this article, we'll learn how to implement robust authentication and authorization for your ASP.NET Core APIs using ASP.NET Core Identity and JSON Web Tokens (JWT). We'll go through by setting up ASP.NET Core Identity, configuring JWT authentication, and securing your API endpoints.
  • Passing Values from Partial Views to Parent Views in ASP.NET MVCMay 30, 2024. Learn efficient methods for sending values from partial views to parent views in ASP.NET MVC. Explore challenges, examples, and techniques like JavaScript messaging for seamless communication, enhancing user experience and interactivity.
  • Micro Frontends With ASP.NET Core and Blazor WebAssembly Components May 29, 2024. Explore the dynamic world of Micro Frontends in action with ASP.NET Core, delving into the realm of Universal Rendering. Unleash the power of Blazor WebAssembly-based Web Components, combining flexibility and efficiency for seamless web development.
  • SignalR: Real-Time Communication for Modern ApplicationsMay 29, 2024. SignalR is a powerful library for adding real-time web functionality to modern applications. It enables seamless, bi-directional communication between server and client, supporting WebSockets and other transport protocols.
  • Test Unit Using Refit in ASP.NET CoreMay 24, 2024. Testing unit using Refit in ASP.NET Core involves verifying API requests and responses. With Refit, you can efficiently mock HTTP clients, perform integration tests, and ensure the functionality of your ASP.NET Core applications, enhancing reliability and quality assurance.
  • Transitioning from Controller to Minimal API in ASP.NET CoreMay 22, 2024. The ASP.NET Core framework has evolved significantly over the years, introducing new paradigms to streamline the development process. This article explores the process of transitioning from the traditional Controller-based approach to using Minimal APIs, highlighting the benefits and providing practical examples.
  • View Uploaded Files in Google Drive from ASP.NET Core AppMay 21, 2024. In this article, learn how to enhance your ASP.NET Core app by enabling users to view uploaded files directly in Google Drive. Follow our easy-to-understand guide to set up the Google Drive API, upload files from local storage or S3 buckets, and generate view links for PDFs, DOCs, XLS, and PPTs.
  • Dynamic Mapping Database result to Entity TMay 20, 2024. This article provides logic for Mapping the SQL Result to C# Class. This code snippet demonstrates the dynamic mapping of SQL result columns to C# properties, converting SNAKE_CASE SQL column names to PascalCase C# properties using MapToList for DbDataReader to object mapping.
  • Difference between ADO.NET, ORM and DapperMay 20, 2024. This article explores ADO.NET, ORM, and Dapper in the .NET ecosystem, detailing their history, evolution, and best practices and providing C# code examples for effective data access management.
  • How to Create and Use Local NuGet Package in Dot NetMay 20, 2024. NuGet is the package manager for dot net. Developers can create, share, and consume essential dot net libraries. NuGet client tools provide the ability to produce and consume these libraries as packages. Moreover package increase the code reusability.
  • Multi-Browser Session Logout in ASP.NET Core Without SignalRMay 19, 2024. The Automatic Multi-Browser Logout feature enhances the security and convenience of your online experience by ensuring that when you log out from one browser, you are automatically logged out from all other active sessions across different browsers and devices.
  • API Security Best Ways Implemented in .NET Core API May 17, 2024. This article covers essential API security practices, including encryption, authentication, authorization, input validation, rate limiting, and continuous monitoring, to protect APIs against security risks and ensure robust data protection.
  • Building an Interactive Location Selector with Google Maps in ASP.NET MVCMay 16, 2024. In this article, Learn how to integrate Google Maps into your ASP.NET MVC application to create an interactive location selector. Follow step-by-step instructions to enable users to click on a map, select a location, and store it for future reference.
  • Under The Hood Of Thread Synchronization With LOCKMay 15, 2024. The LOCK keyword is the most popular mutual-exclusive thread synchronization construct. The LOCK statement in C# is crucial for thread synchronization, preventing race conditions by restricting access to shared resources. Under the hood, it translates to the Monitor class, enhancing code efficiency and reliability.
  • Learn About ASP.NET Core FiltersMay 14, 2024. ASP.NET Core Filters offer a modular approach to handle cross-cutting concerns like authorization, caching, and logging. Learn about each type with clear examples for better application management.
  • Introduction to Monitor Class in C#May 13, 2024. The Monitor class is built on dotNET’s FCL (Framework Class Library) infrastructure. In general, it provides to achieve thread safety.
  • Use Multiple Environments in ASP.NET CoreMay 13, 2024. In ASP.NET Core, leverage multiple environments like development, staging, and production to tailor your application's behavior and configuration for different deployment scenarios. Optimize settings and configurations for each environment, streamlining deployment and enhancing scalability.
  • URL Rewriting Middleware in .NETMay 11, 2024. URL rewriting is a critical aspect of web development, enabling developers to create cleaner, more user-friendly URLs while maintaining the underlying functionality of their applications. This article aims to demystify URL rewriting middleware in ASP.NET Core, exploring its features, configuration, and practical applications.
  • Understand Action Results and Types of Action Results in .NET C#May 10, 2024. In the world of .NET C#, action results play a crucial role in web development, facilitating the generation of responses to client requests within ASP.NET applications. In this article, we'll delve into the concept of action results and explore the various types available in .NET C#.
  • Building CRUD Operations in .NET Core 8 with MongoDBMay 09, 2024. Learn to create CRUD operations in .NET Core 8 Minimal API with MongoDB via Entity Framework Core. Build RESTful endpoints for seamless data interaction, leveraging ASP.NET Core's capabilities for efficient development and MongoDB's flexibility for NoSQL data storage.
  • A Brief History of Microsoft Programming IDE’sMay 06, 2024. This article provides a concise overview of the evolution of Microsoft programming IDEs, tracing from Visual Basic to Visual Studio and beyond, highlighting their impact on software development efficiency and the integration of AI tools.
  • Database Connectivity in Visual Studio May 03, 2024. Visual Studio facilitates robust database connectivity through technologies like ADO.NET and Entity Framework. Developers can seamlessly integrate with SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, and more using connection strings and data source management tools.
  • Exploring String Searching Techniques in C#May 02, 2024. Searching for substrings within strings is a fundamental operation in software development, and in the context of C# programming, there are several techniques and methods available to accomplish this task efficiently. In this article, we will explore various string searching techniques in C#.
  • Deploying .NET 8 Core Web API in Cloud with .NET Aspire App"May 01, 2024. Learn to build and deploy high-performance .NET Core Web APIs in cloud environments using ASP.NET Core. Explore best practices for scalability, containerization with Docker, and deployment on Azure or AWS.
  • Real-Time Text Display in Power Apps Apr 30, 2024. Explore the seamless integration of real-time text input updates with Power Apps. Discover how effortlessly display text input changes dynamically in labels, enhancing user interaction and engagement. Follow a step-by-step guide to implement this feature, empowering your apps with responsive, interactive experiences.
  • Caching Strategies in ASP .NET CoreApr 25, 2024. ASP.NET Core offers diverse caching strategies, including in-memory, distributed, response, output, and donut caching. Choose wisely based on data needs, scalability, and granularity for optimal performance.
  • Implementing In-Memory Cache in ASP.NET Core Web APIApr 24, 2024. Caching is a crucial technique for improving the performance and responsiveness of web applications by storing frequently accessed data in memory. In this article, we'll walk through a complete practical example of implementing and using an in-memory cache in an ASP.NET Core Web API project.
  • Extracting Values from PDFs in .NET Core 8 without ASP.NETApr 21, 2024. In this article, we'll explore how to extract values from PDF files within the .NET Core 8 ecosystem without relying on ASP.NET, using the PdfSharpCore library. We'll provide a step-by-step guide along with examples in C# to demonstrate how to accomplish this task effectively.
  • CancellationToken in ASP.NET CoreApr 19, 2024. CancellationToken in ASP.NET Core provides a powerful mechanism for achieving this goal. In this article, we will delve into the concept of CancellationToken, its usage, and practical examples to illustrate its importance in asynchronous programming.
  • A Journey from ASP.NET Framework to ASP.NET CoreApr 18, 2024. Explore the journey of .NET web development from ASP.NET Framework to ASP.NET Core, encompassing technologies like Windows Forms, WPF, and Web Forms. Witness the transition to structured MVC architecture and the integration of Angular for dynamic user interfaces. Delve into the version history of .NET Framework and .NET Core.
  • Dependency Injection and Service Lifetimes in .NETApr 18, 2024. In this article, I will explain Dependency Injection (DI) is a design pattern that supports the development of loosely coupled code, and it’s also one of the SOLID principles (Dependency Inversion Principle).
  • Create Web Hook Url In ASP.NET Core Web APIApr 16, 2024. Webhooks are a powerful way to integrate different systems, allowing real-time communication between them. They enable applications to send automated notifications or data updates to other systems when specific events occur. In this article, we'll explore how to create a POST webhook URL in an ASP.NET Core Web API.
  • Health Checks in .NET Core with AspNetCore.HealthCheck.UI.ClientApr 13, 2024. Implementing health checks in .NET Core applications ensures reliability. Using AspNetCore.HealthChecks, monitor application health and dependencies, facilitating proactive issue identification for enhanced performance and user satisfaction.
  • AI Vision: Advancements, Challenges, and Ethical ConsiderationsApr 12, 2024. The landscape of AI vision is rapidly evolving, transforming various sectors with its visual capabilities. However, ethical dilemmas arise, including privacy breaches and biases, emphasizing the need for responsible development and implementation.
  • Mastering the Art of Debugging in Your ASP.NET ProjectApr 12, 2024. Delving into the realm of maintaining and improving an existing ASP.NET project feels like embarking on a journey through a maze of challenges and prospects. As developers, we regularly encounter the intricate but fulfilling task of uncovering and resolving issues nestled within the codebase.
  • How to Ignore Properties in OData at RuntimeApr 10, 2024. This article provides a guide on how to dynamically ignore properties in OData at runtime using Late-Bindings. It covers the concept of OData, the need for ignoring properties, and a step-by-step tutorial on implementing this in your code.
  • Becoming Proficient in C# and ASP.NET: A Roadmap to MasteryApr 08, 2024. From traditional ASP.NET Web Forms to the sleek ASP.NET MVC, and from robust backend solutions using ADO.NET and SQL Server to dynamic front-end interactions with jQuery, AJAX, and more, developers have a plethora of tools at their disposal to create powerful web experiences.
  • Choosing Between Python and ML.NET: Future of Machine LearningApr 08, 2024. Explore the evolving landscape of machine learning with Python and ML.NET. This guide offers insights for navigating between these powerful tools, aiding decision-making in data science and software development.
  • All-in-One Architecture/Monolithic Architecture in .NETApr 04, 2024. The "All-in-One" architecture, also known as the Monolithic architecture, is a traditional software design approach where all components of an application are tightly integrated into a single codebase and deployed as a single unit. In the context of .NET development, an "All-in-One" architecture typically involves building a monolithic application using the .NET framework or .NET Core (now .NET 5 and later). Let's explore this architecture in more detail
  • Understanding Middleware in ASP.NET CoreApr 03, 2024. Middleware in ASP.NET Core orchestrates request handling, response generation, and cross-cutting concerns. It's a pivotal concept enabling structured application development with reusable components and custom middleware integration.
  • ASP.NET 8 – Multilingual Application with single Resx file - Part 4 - Resource ManagerApr 02, 2024. ASP.NET 8's Part 4 tutorial explores building multilingual applications using a single Resx file and Resource Manager. This feature facilitates easy localization and globalization, enabling developers to efficiently manage culture-specific resources within their web applications.
  • Multilingual Application with single Resx file - Forms Validation StringsApr 01, 2024. Learn how to create multilingual applications using ASP.NET 8 in this third part of our series. Explore efficient techniques for managing form validation strings using a single Resx file, ensuring seamless user experience across different languages.
  • .NET API Login and Registration using IdentityApr 01, 2024. Secure your .NET web applications with Microsoft Identity for seamless authentication and authorization. Follow this guide to implement user registration and login functionalities effectively, enhancing your application's security and reliability.
  • Publishing .NET Applications with 'dotnet publish'Apr 01, 2024. Publishing .NET applications with dotnet publish is essential for deployment. This tool compiles code resolves dependencies, and creates a self-contained directory for easy distribution and execution, ensuring optimal performance.
  • Different ActionResult Types in ASP.NET MVC & Their UsesApr 01, 2024. In this article we will learn What are the different types of ActionResult in ASP.NET MVC, and when would you use each one?
  • ASP.NET 8 - Multilingual Application with Single Resx File - Part 2 - Alternative ApproachApr 01, 2024. Explore an alternative approach in ASP.NET 8 for building multilingual applications using a single Resx file in Part 2 of this series. Discover how to efficiently manage localization and globalization, leveraging resource files and innovative techniques.
  • Routing to Controller Actions in ASP.NET CoreMar 30, 2024. In ASP.NET Core, routing plays a pivotal role in directing incoming HTTP requests to the appropriate controller actions, enabling developers to build powerful and structured web applications.
  • ViewData vs ViewBag vs TempData vs Session in .NETMar 30, 2024. In ASP.NET, passing data between controllers and views is a common requirement for building dynamic web applications. ASP.NET provides several mechanisms for achieving this, including ViewData, ViewBag, TempData, and Session.
  • .NET Strategies for Seamless Integration of DecoratorsMar 30, 2024. This article explores the integration of decorators in .NET projects, emphasizing design patterns and best practices. It provides examples and strategies for extending functionality dynamically while ensuring code integrity and maintainability.
  • Telemetry in ASP.NET Core Web API with PrometheusMar 29, 2024. Explore seamless integration of Prometheus for advanced telemetry in ASP.NET Core Web API. Monitor and collect metrics, enabling deep insights into application performance and behavior.
  • What is JSON Serialization and Deserialization in C# Mar 27, 2024. JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) has become a ubiquitous data interchange format, especially in web development. In C#, developers have multiple options for serializing C# objects to JSON and deserializing JSON strings back to C# objects

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