On September 16, Join Gurgaon Chapter Meet to learn Typescript 2, Angular (Version 4), Docker, Azure, and PWA.
Price: Free of cost
Requirement: Optional to bring your laptop and internet card
On September 16, we will cover the following topics,
- Introduction to C# Corner
- Introduction to TypeScript 2 Fundamentals
- History & Evolution of Client Side Scripting Languages
- Introduction to TypeScript
- TypeScript Features
- Typing Basics, Language Overview & Advanced
- Class,interface,Object,Polymorphism,Inheritance,Constructor
- Import, export class
- Walkthrough & Demo
- Summary & Conclusion
- Eliminate Your Fears And Doubts About Angular 4 with practical
- Setting up the IDE for Angular 4 development(VS code,VS Studio)
- Angular4 Project structure
- NPM & git commands
- ES6 Import / Export
- Life cycle hooks
- Component, Constructor
- Decorator, Template, pipe
- HTTP,Services,Observable.
- Interpolation of data
- @input and @output
- Change detection
- One way/ Two way - binding
- Module and Routing
- Module digest Cycle
- Demo
- Conclusion
- Getting started with Azure
- What is Cloud Computing?
- What is Microsoft Azure?
- Why Azure?
- Pre-requisites
- Create a sample MVC App using VS 2017
- Create a Web-App Service in Microsoft Azure
- Connect VS with Azure and deploy the application into Azure
- Getting started with Progressive Web Apps
Registration starts at 09:30 AM. So we request you to be there at 09:30 AM to get a seat.
Session details are as follows,
Introduction to C# Corner | Bikesh Srivastava | 09:45 AM - 10:00 AM |
Eliminate Your Fears And Doubts About Angular 4 with Practical | Bikesh Srivastava | 10:00 AM - 10:45 PM |
Introduction to TypeScript 2 fundamentals
| Navdeep Kumar
| 10:45 AM - 11:45 AM
Getting started with Azure
| Gourav Jain
| 11:45 AM - 12:45 PM
Getting started with Progressive Web Apps
| Neha Sharma
| 12:45 PM - 01:45 PM
Queries concerning your registration should be addressed to chapters@c-sharpcorner.com or call at 0120- 4256016.