We will create four lists for demonstrating cascading drop-down.
- Create a Country list with the following values.
- Create State list and create column Country as Lookup column in it.
- Create Cities list and create column State with Lookup column in it.
- Now create Employee list as per the following.
- Name Single Line of Text
- Department Choice Field
- Country Lookup column (Lookup to Country)
- State Lookup column (Lookup to State)
- City Lookup column (Lookup to Cities)
Edit the NewForm.aspx of Employee list and add ScriptEditor webpart and paste the below code in it.
- $(document).ready(function () {
- CheckDropDownValue({
- parentFormField: "Country",
- childList: "States",
- childLookupField: "Title",
- childFormField: "State",
- parentFieldInChildList: "Country",
- firstOptionText: "< Select a State >"
- });
- CheckDropDownValue({
- parentFormField: "State",
- childList: "Cities",
- childLookupField: "Title",
- childFormField: "City",
- parentFieldInChildList: "State",
- firstOptionText: "< Select a City >"
- });
- });
- function CheckDropDownValue(params) {
- var parent = $("select[Title='" + params.parentFormField + "'], select[Title='" +
- params.parentFormField + " Required Field']");
- $(parent).change(function () {
- DropDownCascade(this.value, params);
- });
- var currentParent = $(parent).val();
- if (currentParent != 0 && typeof (currentParent) !== "undefined") {
- DropDownCascade(currentParent, params);
- }
- }
- function DropDownCascade(parentID, params) {
- var child = $("select[Title='" + params.childFormField + "'], select[Title='" +
- params.childFormField + " Required Field']," +
- "select[Title='" + params.childFormField + " possible values']");
- var currentVal = params.currentValue;
- $(child).empty();
- var options = "<option value='0'>" + params.firstOptionText + "</option>";
- var call = $.ajax({
- url: _spPageContextInfo.webAbsoluteUrl + "/_api/Web/Lists/GetByTitle('" + params.childList +
- "')/items?$select=Id," + params.childLookupField + "," + params.parentFieldInChildList +
- "/Id&$expand=" + params.parentFieldInChildList + "/Id&$filter=" + params.parentFieldInChildList +
- "/Id eq " + parentID + "&$orderby=" + params.childLookupField,
- type: "GET",
- dataType: "json",
- headers: {
- Accept: "application/json;odata=verbose"
- }
- });
- call.done(function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
- for (index in data.d.results) {
- options += "<option value='" + data.d.results[index].Id + "'>" +
- data.d.results[index][params.childLookupField] + "</option>";
- }
- $(child).append(options);
- });
- call.fail(function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
- alert("Error retrieving information from list: " + params.childList + jqXHR.responseText);
- $(child).append(options);
- });
- }
Now open the NewForm.aspx for Employee List.
Check the City dropdown which depends upon the State value and State will depend upon Country value drop-down.
Note you can achieve as many as a level of cascading for dropdown using above code. You just need to pass the value correctly for each cascading dropdown value like below.
- CheckDropDownValue({
- parentFormField: "Country",
- childList: "States",
- childLookupField: "Title",
- childFormField: "State",
- parentFieldInChildList: "Country",
- firstOptionText: "< Select a State >"
- });